1. Costa Vida is life.
When you have to go without the heavenly goodness that is sweet pork, you realize how ungrateful you were when a greasy quesadilla was just a five-minute drive away. And once you go off to college, you will most definitely try to get new locations opened up near your campus, because months without Costa does severe emotional damage.
2. Your drive to school may be completely absurd.
Whoever came up with the lines that choose which high school you will attend should’ve asked for some help, because they desperately needed it. So many people call Colleyville home but are rooting for Grapevine on Friday night football games. It’s very confusing, and extremely hard to explain to people who aren’t fortunate enough to be from the DFW area.
3. The cops. That really says it all.
Yes, we are thankful for the ones who actually make the effort to keep our town safe. But what we are not thankful for are the police officers that hide in Bluebonnet Hills Funeral Home so they can catch you going two miles per hour over the speed limit on Hall Johnson. Is my extra two miles per hour really putting THAT much danger in the city that you have to give me a ticket for over $100? That money could have been spent on so much sweet pork. Smh.
4. The moms are more involved in drama than the kids.
Most Colleyville moms should honestly be detectives based on the amount of dirt they can dig up. I’m not saying I like it, but it is pretty impressive. If these ladies find out that your kid had a sip of a beer, they make sure everyone knows, so that this new ~scandal~ can cover up the fact that everyone knows about their kid getting caught smoking a cigarette.
5. All the cool middle school kids hung out at the fountain in Southlake Town Square.
If you weren’t hanging by the fountain on Friday nights in your latest Delia’s shirt and Miss Me denim skirt, you definitely aren’t from Colleyville. That was THE PLACE. The amount of first kisses and break ups that happened at the fountain would be too many to count. And if you were really cool, your mom would let you go on a mixed gender hang-out to Harkins afterwards.
6. If you want to socialize, just hit up Lifetime Fitness.
It is impossible to go to Lifetime without seeing someone you know. Even if it’s just the kid who you had to dance with at cotillion in sixth grade, you can’t leave without seeing one familiar face. This is a blessing and a curse. In high school, it’s fun. All the girls do their hair and makeup, and go use the elliptical while watching their crush use poor technique on the bicep curl machine. When you’re home from college, it’s a nightmare. You show up with no makeup, hair in a bun, and probably an extra few pounds or so from the school year, and are then forced to awkwardly smile or even engage in small talk with that chick who sat in front of you in English senior year. It’s torture.
7.You feel like there’s nothing to do.
Even though Colleyville is filled with people to hang out with and places to go, everything gets mundane after a month or so. Your most exciting part of the day is deciding whether or not you should get up to get a snack, or wait until you watch one more episode of "The Office" on Netflix. You start counting down the days until you leave to return back to your college town, and cry tears of joy once that day arrives.
8. But deep down in your heart, you’re proud to call Colleyville home.
I think everyone from Colleyville can agree that being raised in such a safe and friendly environment is truly a blessing. We may complain about how long the line is at Costa or how the cops are trying to ruin our lives by giving us tickets for not making a complete stop, but Colleyville is seriously the best. You’re just a quick drive away from big cities like Dallas and Fort Worth, but still get the comfort of a tight-knit suburb. Can you say best of both worlds? I wouldn’t have wanted to grow up anywhere else.