It’s scientifically proven (maybe? Probably. I don’t actually know) that when the amount of time you spend with a person increases, the more likely you are to actually start to share qualities with them. This (fake) study especially applies to roommates. Whether you’ve shared a room with your sibling, are living in a dorm room in college, or just didn’t want to be living in your parent’s basement anymore, chances are you’ve probably had a roommate at some point in your life. I, myself, have been lucky enough to have amazing roommates throughout my college career. Which is lucky for me because I’ve actually started to become like them.
1. Your eating schedules are the same
It’s safe to say that once you’ve been living with someone long enough, you get hungry at the same time. Sometimes you aren’t even hungry but you just feel like eating some fries together.
2. You wear each other’s clothes
I’m guilty of this. My roommate’s clothes have kind of become my second closet. Thankfully, she doesn’t mind (I think).
3. You know all the drama
Their drama is your drama and vice versa. When one of them has a problem, you deal with it as if it’s your own.
4. You start to experience what it’s like to be a mind-reader
All it takes at this point is one look from my roommate and I know that she’s in the mood to lay in bed and watch Netflix.
5. Boundaries are limited
You start to feel like you can talk to your roommate about anything (and that’s because you can).
6. Their family is your family
You’re invited to join any and every family gathering--including FaceTime sessions.
7. You miss them...always
Even when they’re only gone for an hour during still anxiously wait for them to get home.
8. People get you confused with one another
It was bad enough when my mom called me by my sister’s name, but now I’m referred to by my roommate’s name too.