Traffic is 10 times worse in your neighborhood because there are SO MANY FREAKING SCHOOLS IN THE AREA.
Yup, gotta add about 10 minutes to my morning drive to work.
You’re never surprised or alarmed to see a stray cat or dog.
Well, they probably belong to someone. You’d be lying if you said your dog’s never escaped your backyard for a bit. You'd also be lying if you said you never considered taking home the neighborhood cat.
Having a relationship with your neighbors.
Probably the most difficult social cues to understand. Who called in the noise complaint? Do I get them a Christmas gift? You either hate them or you love them, but there’s a relationship there no doubt.
Being jealous of other people’s front yards.
We get it, you won yard of the month three times in a row. Well, guess what? This month, I'm coming for ya!
Always trying to one up your neighbors' holiday decorations.
There is an unspoken competition between you and your neighbors once Thanksgiving ends. Sudden determination sets in to be the merriest on the block.
Being self-conscious if you keep your holiday decorations up for too long.
As soon as they go up, they have to come down. But it's okay to take them down in like, February, right?
Getting pissed when some rando parks in front of your house.
Are you kidding me? Where the hell are my friends going to park now? Oh, right. I have no friends. Continue.
The annoying kids that live across the street.
Ding-dong ditch? Is that what the kids are doing these days? Nope, just deciding to ride their bicycles in the middle of the road at the exact moment you try to get to your driveway.