Just yesterday we were all moving into our freshman dorms and trying to work up the courage to introduce ourselves to the people living next to us. We were saying bye to our parents and figuring out how we would survive on our own. We were the small freshman walking around the campus trying to find our classes and not make a total fool of ourselves during that first day. Where did the time go? How are we already going to be seniors? How is this our last year? Is there a remind button we can hit to go back to the beginning of the past three years?
Here’s 8 signs you are about to be a senior in college:
1. It’s scary to think about the last chapter of college.
It hard to say, but it’s the beginning of the end. After senior year, we will be getting jobs, having to do adult things, and for some, starting families. I don’t know how this will work when sometimes I accidentally sleep through my 8 a.m….Sorry to my future employer.
2. But you’re really excited for senior year parties.![]()
This is the year where everyone will officially be 21 and everyone can go to bars and clubs all together. No more underage drinking for all you seniors!
3. You are rushing to find a summer internship.
It’s getting down to the wire, hurry up and get that internship before it’s too late.
Do you want to stay an extra year?
4. Everyone keeps asking what you want to do after college.![]()
Why does everyone keep asking what I want to do after I graduate? I don’t even know what I want to eat for lunch today. The struggle is real all the time.
5. You are starting to feel old.![]()
We all love to go through pictures...looking at those freshman year pictures you realize you aren’t that little 18-year-old anymore. So much has happened in these past three years and we are starting to feel like old people now.
6. You’ve already caught Senioritis.![]()
I’m not saying I want to get a zero on my business final, but after calculations I can still get a B in the class even without taking the final. So I should just skip it, right?
7. You have that core friend group.![]()
Senior year is here and you have that set friend group you can go to for anything and everything. Thank God it’s not like freshman year anymore, where you had to try to find and make friends.