Everyone seems to believe that once one turns 18, they are an adult. However, this couldn't be further from the truth because most people don't mimic the behavior of adults until well after their 18th birthday. If you notice these signs in your daily life, you're probably already adulting.
1. You tend to your responsibilities.
Showing up late to your part-time job at Cook Out isn't cutting it when you are an adult. Being mature means keeping your promises and following through with plans. If you find that you aren't taking your job seriously, you probably aren't taking your life seriously either.
2. You live on your own.
While some parents never want their children to move out (*cough* my mom *cough*), you can't rely on them to support you forever. Eventually, you have to begin being self-sufficient. You can always go back and visit.
3. You begin paying attention to prices.
The moment when you like something, the whole "checking the price tag, and then immediately put it back" thing is common. You never really understand how expensive basic necessities are until you have to pay for them yourself. No one tells you how much paper towels cost until you are expected to buy them yourself. The little things you have come to enjoy and expect begin to add up, and before you know it, that paycheck isn't covering all that it should.
4. You realize you can't have as many pets as you want.
While I would love to have all the dogs and cats that I can handle, my wallet cannot support myself and a zoo. If you are wanting a pet, I suggest only having what you can fully support. Vet visits are expensive and unavoidable. If you wouldn't be able to give your pet the best life possible, allow them to live with a family that can.
5. You don't party like you used to.
Being an adult is tiring. No one wants to be out until 3 a.m. drinking and then go to an 8 a.m. job. Going to bed by 9:30 p.m. seems like a better time.
6. You get excited about things that used to be boring.
Becoming an adult means that the most mundane of things can be very exciting. I got excited over getting a new Crock Pot. Who does that?
7. Everything hurts.
Once you ascend into adulthood, you find that moving your leg the wrong way can make it hurt for three days. You used to feel invincible and now you always have a headache.
8. You stop caring about what others think.
The once important name-brand clothes and perfect hair don't seem to matter anymore. In fact, you prefer shopping at the Goodwill. Impressing people is the last thing on your mind.
If you find yourself experiencing any of the above signs, you're probably an adult.