"Duff, D-U-F-F: Designated Ugly Fat Friend. It's not like a big deal, every group has one, you know the one who doesn't look as good , thus making their friends look better. The one whose easy to talk to because no one's trying to get with them. You friended up! Good time!"
1. Every guy who is interested in you is either a complete weirdo or four inches shorter than you.
2. You're the only one in the group who can't borrow your friends' clothes because they're too small. And if you can fit into their clothes they look like shit on you.
3. Getting approached at the bar by a guy only to find out they want to inquire about your hot friend.
Basically you're the designated wing-man or wing-woman.
4. Being considered "one of the guys."
Not hot enough for the guys to be interested in you but chill enough to down 50 wings with them.
5. Never getting out of a ticket.
I currently have several points on my license.
6. Having at least a $60 bar tab.
Because who else is going to buy me drinks but myself.
7. Being too nice or being too mean.
Too nice because you're compensating for your lack of good looks or "10" body. Too mean because you're aggravated about your lack of good looks or "10" body.
8. And finally, embracing that you're the Duff is a tell tail sign that you're the Duff.
Being the Duff is nothing to be ashamed of. I, myself, embrace the shit out of it every single day.