1. Parking SUCKS
Okay... Number one is a big one. It doesn't matter if you live on or off campus, you have had an issue in this area. People suck. You suck. We all suck. You probably really suck at driving. Admit it.
Parallel parking isn't an option. I'd rather park a mile further from that spot than parallel park.
After a drunken night, you leave your car overnight and you come to your car PRAYING you don't have a ticket... You don't. YAY! ... But you go inside the student center to get food for ten minutes and there's one sitting pretty under the windshield wiper... oh.
2. The walk to class is something else
I don't know about you, but walking to class in September or any hot month at that is horrid. It is a SAUNA. You're halfway to class and you immediately regret your decision on coming to class. You get there and the building's AC also doesn't want to cooperate. GREAT.
3. One day you're going to end up with a graduate student as your professor...
This is either really good or bad. In the good sense... they will hand you grades because they're actually scared of you because they were just in your place as an undergraduate and KNOW you will email them with that "...wyd" email.
In the bad sense... they DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DOING... so you don't either.
4. You either know A LOT of people in your class or you don't know ANYONE.
Going to a big university, it's pretty likely to follow a lot of people on social media that you don't really "know" but have mutual friends with so you follow them... But when you see them in person and you have a class with them, you feel like you know them... "Do I say hey?" "Does she know who I am?" "I follow her on Instagram." "Oh, my God, she's staring at me."
5. There are SO many majors to choose from.
Did you know at the University of Connecticut you can major in Puppet Arts?
6. I mean... we gotta eat
I'll visit friends at schools in small towns and they only have a couple of places to eat. One town didn't even have a Taco Bell. Y'all... A TACO BELL. You ask one of us, "Well, I mean, what are you feeling?" We go and get it. There are not just a couple of restaurants to choose from. THERE'S SO MANY... and I think our wallets know that. (I don't think, I know)
7. "You're a part of what?"
There are SO many organizations on campus... Whether it's Greek Life, honor societies, you name it... There is one. You can even make one since there are so many people at the university. You'll be able to make cute game day buttons!!!
Okay, it's last because it's the most important. Football is a pretty big deal. Game days are the best experience you will have. The energy on game days is unlike anything you will ever feel. The team is basically famous and the coach is basically the most important man on the campus. "I take my hardest classes in the spring because of football season."