1. You see the ever-constant “I can’t believe it” statuses.
You know what I’m talking about. Every other person is posting something like, “I can’t believe that this summer is over and I’m heading back to school next week. Summer flew by!” In addition, he or she proclaims what year of college they are heading into. Not that there's anything wrong with announcing how sad you are that summer is over, as I have definitely done this in the past.
2. There are pumpkins and Halloween decorations EVERYWHERE.
It’s terrifying to walk into a craft or department store in the middle of August and see shelves stocked with Halloween decorations, costumes, Candy Corn, and pumpkins. You think to yourself, “Why are those there?! Aren’t we getting a little ahead of ourselves? It’s not even September yet!” We all think it. We all love Halloween, but why are we rushing to October already? I understand that we’re ready to plan our Halloween costumes, but we’ve still got some summer left!
3. Boots are replacing sandals in the stores.
Ladies, you know what I mean when I say this. All of those fabulous summer season sandals and wedges start moving over onto the sales racks to make way for the FALL foot wear, even though you still have another month and a half until the fall. Boots make their way back onto the shelves, taking precious time away from the shoes that only get to be worn during one season. It’s just not right.
4. Back-To-School Commercials
When you were a kid, you were sort of pumped to do all of that back-to-school shopping. You had a list from your teacher of what you needed and Mom would take you shopping for all your needed gear. Those were the days. Now your list consists of heavy and expensive textbooks that you’ll only use for a few months. At the end of those few months you’ll have to buy MORE. What a cruel twist of fate.
Pumpkin decorations are not the only thing that will soon be everywhere. Everything pumpkin flavor will soon be back into season as well. Pumpkin pastries. Pumpkin pudding. Pumpkin candy. Pumpkin beer. Pumpkin lattes. Pumpkin pie. We are apparently obsessed with pumpkin. Don’t get me wrong, I love me some pumpkin pie, but I don’t need this pumpkin overload until October, or if I'm in the mood, the end of September. Pumpkin, pumpkin, pumpkin!
6. You also see a lot of “Gonna miss this” statuses/pictures.
Not only does every person and their mom remind you when school is starting back up again, but people post a lot of “I’m going to miss this” or “Last time of the summer” photos. Not that there is anything wrong with that. I’m just reminding everyone of the common theme.
7. “End-of-Summer Blowout”
The same department stores that are filling their shelves with fall décor, as well as fall clothing, want to sell you the rest of their summer stuff. They’re basically saying, “Here. Just take it. Take it all! Bye Summer! Bye bye! (Insert maniacal laugh here).” Which is funny because they're telling you to buy summer items, even though it's time for you to purchase fall items. Color me confused.
8. You start making plans for next summer.
You didn’t get to do everything that you wanted to do this summer. The season has a funny way of racing by you. Sure you did a lot, you had fun, saw friends, and got to vacation, but it still wasn’t enough time. Since you couldn’t get it all done, you just have to save it for next year. Which is good news because next summer is only nine months away. Get excited.