Music is the heart and soul behind so many things. For some, it's a way of life. For others, it's the only thing that gets them going and gets them through the rest of the day. Sure, there may be a lot of music-lovers out there, but everyone knows those totally hip (and maybe even a little crazy) music festival goers that are either 1. too hip to hold a conversation with you, or 2. one of the coolest people you've ever met. Out of most of my experiences, I tent to meet a lot of type 2 people, which is awesome and really makes for a great appeal to music festivals. So here's to you, you music festival junkie with your ratted jeans, funky tattoo, messy hair that looks totally acceptable, and absolutely mind-blowingly good taste in music.
1. You know the bands no one's ever heard of.
Don't even try to deny it. Some of those people that give themselves the "hipster" title think that way because they know a few of the unheard of bands, but nothing compares to you. You name a band you like, and there might be one person who has kind of heard of them before.
2. You have unique taste in clothing.
You've got the cool concert t-shirts that you rock with your faded capri's and worn down sandals. When you dress up, it still never fails that you look completely put together, but also very, very different and hip.
3. You're the definition of a free-spirted person.
Most any music festival junkie you know will without a doubt be one of the most eccentric, free-thinking people you know. And it's totally awesome. They're the chill, go-with-the-flow friend that everyone likes to have around. They bring new ideas to the table, include everyone, and never fail to make for a fun night.
4. Your Instagram is full of #artsy pictures.
Either that, or you don't even take one single picture because that's just how cool you are. Call it cliché to be #artsy, but that's exactly what you are. No shame.
5. You spend more money on festival/concert tickets than anything else. Including food.
Hey, look, people have priorities, and this is just where yours lie, and that's a-okay. Some people like food (me) and others would rather eat Ramen noodles if it means they get to see their favorite band at the end of the month. Whatever floats your boat.
6. When buying clothes you take into consideration whether you can wear it to a concert or not.
Clothing is probably one of the things music-festival-going people are known for. They have the unique clothes and the cool face paint and look that ties in the whole mood of the weekend. It definitely isn't a bad thing and, hey, if you're going to be spending most of your time at music concerts anyway, why not make sure your closet is accommodating, right?
7. Distance is nothing when it comes to traveling for a concert.
May it be known that whatever the distance, if you love the band and want to see them, you'll make it happen. Hands down, no questions asked.
8. You are probably the literal definition of what it means to be 'granola.'
And people don't judge you for a second for it. You take minimal showers at the big festivals, don't really care where you sleep as long as you have some sort of covering, and maybe don't even have extra clothes. You'll do anything for the music.