8 Signs That You Are #GrowingUpHispanic | The Odyssey Online
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8 Signs That You Are #GrowingUpHispanic

A bias interpretation from a gal who went from 305 to 336.

8 Signs That You Are #GrowingUpHispanic
Hispanic Health Focus

Growing up in a Cuban household in Miami, I didn't completely understand that cultures differ all over the U.S. This realization took place after going to college in a small town in North Carolina. From Southern belles who had to explain what Cheerwine is, to the John Deere wearing, fishing, hunting and "mudding" kind of folks who introduced me to Trace Adkins' "Honkytonk Badonkadonk," I learned a lot of new things. In the process I realized what it really means to grow up in the same country, yet somehow have all of these ideals and life hacks from my culture that none of my southern peers had ever heard of. Here are just a few examples of values you probably learned growing up in a Hispanic household:

1. NEVER put your purse on the floor.

Southern Observation: I have seen many a "Coach" bag on the ground when moving to the south.

Hispanic Observation: If my Nana (Abuela) ever sees my purse on the ground I promise you, I will have a lecture on "money on the floor, is money out the door." Superstitions such as this are pretty rampant in Hispanic culture.

2. Cafe is better than Starbucks" coffee"

Southern Observation: Southern girls' staple drinks come from the infamous Starbucks. From Pike Place to a Mocha Frappuccino, Starbucks has you covered.

Hispanic Observation: Neither Cuban parents nor Abuelitos are going to drive to "Starbuxs," when there's perfectly good "cafe" at home. "Cafecito" is made with lots of espresso. It is tiny, but packs a punch. They're also the only "shots" your parents approve of:

3. Medical Treatment

Southern Observation: In the South, there is an old wives tale and a medicine cabinet that has you covered from migraines to the flu. "Y'all" have a cure for everything.

Hispanic Observation: No matter your ailment, you were given liberal amounts of the magic that is Vics while hearing the chant "Sana, sana, colita de rana, Si no sanas hoy, sanarás mañana." Which literally translates into "Heal, heal, little tail of the frog, If you don't heal today, you'll heal tomorrow." Still not sure what that had to do with my stomach ache, but it worked.

4. Avoid the "evil eye."

Southern Observation: When a new bundle of joy arrives one of the first things you want to do is buy a charm bracelet. There are plenty of adorable little gals in the south sporting these cute charm bracelets.

Hispanic Observation: If you're a superstitious Hispanic you'll most likely have an additional gem known as "azabache" to ward off the evil eye. It's the black gem pictured above and is very commonly used to tell negative energy to "please watch yourself."

5.Times are optional?

Southern Observation: When there's a southern shindig, if the party starts at 8 p.m., it's really starting at 8 p.m.

Hispanic Observation: Growing up in Miami, parties that started at 8, meant not to actually get there until 9. Which was fine by us because we really aren't going to head over until 10.

6. Saying Goodbye

Southern Observation: I've noticed at a southern get-together, when people say goodbye they actually leave. They hug, get in their cars and drive away. I had never seen this in action before.

Hispanic Observation: When you're at a get together, you'll hear people saying bye at 11 p.m., but somehow, no one has actually made it out of the driveway until at least 1 a.m.. Getting into your car, while talking, is going to take another hour, because you HAVE to get the chisme from your cousin Caro.

7. Flip flops are versatile.

Southern Observation: Sandals and flip flops are cute fashion choices in the south. It seems like every sorority girl owns a pair of Chacos.

Hispanic Observation: Mami does not own "Chacos" she owns chancletas.. Most of the time just removing a chancleta is just enough to be dangerous. Don't be alarmed if you see a Hispanic using the most powerful discipline threat known to man as opposed to "Mr. Belt."

8. This isn't Bath and Body Works

Southern Observation: Most southern girls LOVE Bath and Body Works, especially the candle.Hispanic Observation: If a Hispanic girl says she’s going to light a candle for you, 9/10 she's talking about a religious candle. Most questions in a Hispanic household are usually met with "let's light a candle." Example: If I told a family member I'm going to a job interview, or I'm sick, the reply is usually “mija, I’m lighting a candle. We need to ask God for intervention.”

DISCLAIMER: This isn't strictly a "Hispanic" thing, it's a Catholic thing, but most Hispanics religious or not still light these types of candles.

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