For my whole life, I have battled frizzy hair and I know I am not alone in that struggle. This list is for all of the girls like me that have to deal with this on a daily basis.
1. Summer Weather Is A Hit Or A Miss
2. You Want To Cry Every Time It Rains
I don’t know about you guys but as a girl with frizzy hair, when I wake up and it is raining, I have an overwhelming feeling of sadness. When it is raining, there is absolutely no chance of a good hair day. Hoods, hats and umbrellas cannot help you now.
3. You Never Want To Brush It
Yes I know, brushing your hair is what keeps it healthy but honestly, if you were to brush it would ruin your hair. The only time I ever brush my hair is right after I take a shower or if I am trying to straighten or blow-dry it. If I were to brush it in any other situation, it would puff up beyond belief.
4. When It Is Wet, You Never Want It To Dry
If you have frizzy hair, you know that your only chance of having naturally straight hair is if it is wet. When you get out of the shower and your hair is wet, it is hard not to stare at it for a few minutes wishing it would stay like that. Unfortunately, the longer you stare at it, the more you notice it drying and frizzing up. Then suddenly your dream is crushed.
5. You Never Know if Straightening Will Be Worth It
I personally love to straighten my hair. I would much rather it be straight than how it naturally is. The thing is, my hair is so thick and long that it takes almost an hour to do it. So when I do straighten it, I need to be absolutely certain it will not frizz up as soon as I step out of the house. Usually my certainty that it will not is not enough.
6. Ponytails Are Your Best Friend
Have you ever rolled out of bed and put a ponytail in without even looking in a mirror? I do that every single day. Because my hair is so frizzy, I barely even give it a chance to behave. I just tie it up right away and forget about it. It has gotten to the point where people don’t recognize me without a ponytail in my head.
7. When It Isn’t Frizzy, People Ask You What You Did With It
On days that there is no humidity and no rain, my hair finally cooperates with me. Sure, this is a happy day, but what is annoying about it is that everyone and their mother will ask what you changed about it. What they don’t understand is you did nothing; you just got lucky.
8. You Always Identify With Anne Hathaway in The First Half of the Princess Diaries
When I was a senior in high school, one of my classmates asked me whom I would choose to play me in a movie. Without any hesitation, I responded Anne Hathaway from the first half of Princess Diaries. And it had to specifically be the first half. I have never identified with a person stronger than I did with Mia Thermopolis before she became a princess and had access to hairdressers on a daily basis.