Every major is unique and offers something special to the students who decide to be involved in that specific field of study. In my opinion, I think each major attracts a certain type of people as well. As you move into the upper division courses, you might discover that your peers are more similar to you than you think. If you are an English major, then I know you can relate to these 8 things:
1. Your bedroom is basically a library.
English majors typically take two, if not more, classes for the major each semester. That being said, most English classes require at least 100 books. Okay, maybe not 100, but you get the idea. I ran out of room in my mini bookshelf so I have novels in piles on my floor. It’s great.
2. You are always reading.
Whether it be on the couch after class or on campus in a cafe, you can always be found reading. There is never a time when you are all caught up in your classes because once you are, another book is assigned. It’s a never ending cycle.
3. You own a printer.
With all the papers you are constantly typing and printing, it would be extremely expensive to pay on campus for every page. Even if you find a place where you can print for free, the amount of times you would have to walk there would be too many. Having a printer in your room makes life a thousand times easier.
4. Bad grammar is painful for your ears.
Hearing someone say “I did good” instead of 'well' creates frustrations that cannot even be explained.
5. "You’re" vs. "Your" is not rocket science.
Really people? Your welcome? Get it together.
6. You get back pains because of all of the books you carry to class.
On days where you have multiple English classes, avoid all stairs. My backpack contains so many books that I pull out multiple ones before grabbing the right novel for the current class I’m in.
7. Your peers are intimidating.
I’ll be minding my own business in class when all of a sudden the girl next to me starts talking about how the novel reflects aspects from the Romantic era and how a character reminds her of the Wife of Bath and Shakespeare has a twin brother who wrote the sequel. Okay, the last part is obviously an exaggeration, but some English majors really know their stuff.
8. You have a prepared speech in Times New Roman 12 point font about why you picked this major.
And no, you do not want to be a teacher. (Most likely)