Aaron, oh Aaron what are we going to do with you? Honestly, my 13-year-old self would have pinned you against a wall, hugged you so tight you lost consciousness and kept you in my closet for the years to come. This way, instead of kissing my Aaron Carter poster goodnight, it could have just been you. The pre-teen version of myself can dream right?
Here's 8 way you know you were a true Aaron Carter fan:
1. You saved up your allowance for his new CDs.
No 4.7 inch circular disk has ever felt so good to hold. And we all know nothing has every sounded so wonderful. That's money well spent.
2. You know all the lyrics (and order) of the songs.
I hope people don't get freaked out as I bust out every single word to "Aaron's Party" because there's no way I can hold this in. To the left, to the right, make noise. Where was my invite?
3. You dreamed you were the cowgirl in track 10.
I didn't even like country music, but I mean if that's what Aaron is into... I could adjust. "Oh Aaron" album, track 10 will always have a piece of my heart. Why didn't I ever run into him in an airport? A girl can dream. God bless America. Someone call me lil mama?
4. This Lizzie McGuire episode gave you the feels.
I don't know if I should love her or hate her for this. Merry Christmas, Lizzie.5. You had tears of joy when he followed you on Twitter.
I don't care if I'm in college, this is a big deal. Time to fan girl like there is no tomorrow.6. You beg people to go to his concerts today.
7. You bought the Jimmy Neutron CD because of him.
Worth it.8. At least one Aaron poster was the centerpiece of your room.
Thank you, "Pop Star!" Magazine for those tear out posters. My pre-teen room decor thanks you.
Honestly, no one today gets it. You've probably rapped the lyrics to "How I Beat Shaq" to someone and seriously freaked them out. You can't bare to throw away those treasured CDs. There's no denying that he was your first celebrity crush, so no matter how much time goes by you won't forget him. Plus, you don't want to, because day dreaming about your romance with Aaron Carter beats most guys nowadays. I don't want Candy, I want Aaron.