Travel is such an important part of everyone's learning experience no matter what age you are. Being submerged in different cultures, languages and traditions is vital to having an open mind and a vast perspective on life itself.
1. Diversity
With that being said, traveling to different countries, or even states if you're in the U.S., provides you with a variety of races, clothing and architecture.
2. Language Submersion
I wish we would all be taught two languages as infants, but unfortunately, this isn't a standard. Different languages are so cool to learn, and when you're surrounded by it, it's a lot easier to pick up and understand.
3. Food
You can't go wrong with this one. Traveling anywhere on earth will get you several different food options and you're bound to find a staple wherever you go.
4. Scenery
Whether it be a short road trip in your own country or a plane trip across the ocean, there's always God's beautiful creation to look forward to. There is so much to see and so many places to explore.
5. Relationships
Traveling always brings a good conversation with the people you're with or even the people who are heading to the same destination as you. I love chatting with the people on my plane to find out more about their family or why they're headed where they're headed. Also, traveling can lead to pretty awesome pen pals if you're into that kind of thing!
6. Memories
All of the above can really contribute to some awesome memories. Being given the opportunity to travel somewhere you don't usually get to go can be an amazing experience.
7. A New Perspective
Depending on where you go, you may return home with a different mindset on life than you had before you left. Many countries do things a lot differently than we do in several different ways.
8. Rekindled Fire for God
Driving down I-35 may not be as fascinating as taking a boat tour in Venice, Italy, per se, but God has hand-crafted every inch of the earth. We can find beauty everywhere we look; from the bugs on our windshield to the mountains that tower over us. Traveling allows us to be reminded of how perfectly our God has created this entire planet for us to explore. So why not go check it out now?