When I started college, I declared an English major because I loved to write and read. I had, shockingly, no plans for after college. I liked books. That is literally how I picked a major. And people had a lot to say about my decision, mainly that I'd never find a career because, really, what can you do with an English major?
And hey, maybe they're right (probably they're right). You don't graduate as an English major and go into a specific job, like if you go for education or something like that. The field of English is really broad, and so yeah, it's probably a good idea to tag on another major or topic of interest and combine them. But I'm here to tell you that being an English major has been an awesome experience, and you should have been one, too! Here's why:
1. While you're ready stuffy textbooks, we're reading novels.
Due to my other major, human services, I've had the experience of reading textbooks. It's horrible. How do you people do it?! I fall asleep about three pages into a textbook, and it doesn't matter what topic it is. Luckily, most of my classes are English, and therefore full of novels, wonderful novels.
2. We save all the money on books, since we're buying those cheap paperback novels.
My friends drop an easy $600 to $700 per term on textbooks. Per term. I don't even spend $600 a year on books. Novels are pretty cheap.
3. No tests (mostly).
Except for those wretched LaPointe exams in major English authors (if you don't go to Elmira, you've missed out on those quote exams, and you should be grateful), the amount of tests given in an English class is pretty small.
4. The majority of our grade comes from writing papers.
For some people, this is a nightmare. But think about it. On a test, there is a clear right or wrong answer. If you don't know something, you're screwed. With a paper or essay, it's a lot different. Let's be real here. English majors get graded on how well they can bullshit. How awesome is that?
5. We bond over the books we read in class.
This is so super nerdy, but it's true. How can you not bond over the horrific opening of "Nostromo" (which, honestly, no one even remembers. I don't think I paid attention in that book until halfway through), or the ironic names Dickens gave his characters in "Hard Times" (I think my favorite is the teacher, Mr. McChoakumchild)? We suffer through the horrible books and enjoy the good ones together.
6. Our professors are the best.
Our professors dedicated their lives to books. Being nerdy, I find that awesome. Like, they honestly find novels and their inner workings completely fascinating. And while they may not all be the most interesting teachers, they're awesome people and they know quite a lot. Plus, they all have a sense of humor (I feel it's probably required when you read the stuff we English majors have to read).
7. While everyone else stresses all term, we relax.
My friends have been known to hate this about me, but I spend more time crocheting and watching Netflix than anything else at college. Maybe that's not exactly something to brag about, but while I'm on my tenth consecutive episode of "Parks and Recreation," everyone else is wading through mountains of homework, so I think I have a pretty good deal.
8. What we learn may seem useless to some, but we're learning how to think and communicate, skills needed in all professions.
People always make fun of English majors, but truthfully we're learning valuable skills. Communication is key in any job, and thinking is also typically mandatory in life, so we definitely have the right major. We can apply our major to ANY job. Can you say that about your major?
If you have the time and inclination, I definitely recommend tacking on an English major!