8 Reasons Why The U.S. Women's National Team Is Amazing | The Odyssey Online
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8 Reasons Why The U.S. Women's National Team Is Amazing

A team that exhibits female power deserves to be celebrated worldwide

8 Reasons Why The U.S. Women's National Team Is Amazing

It's simple: The U.S. National Women's Soccer Team is one of the best soccer teams in the world. There is no doubting the amount of skill they have, for they constantly win major titles, change sports history for the better, and continue to prove how female power will always prevail. Here are just a couple of reasons why the USWNT is exceptional.

1. The women's team has won three World Cups.

In its time, the women's team has snagged three World Cup championships. The most recent World Cup win of theirs was just last year, in July 2015. How many World Cups have the men won? Zero. They have also won gold medals in the last three Olympic games, proving how strong of a team they are.

2. Because of their third win, the team was rewarded with a ticker-tape parade in NYC.

This was the first time in sports' history that a ticker-tape parade celebrated a team solely made up of women. This is revolutionary in a world where mostly male teams are celebrated for their achievements. It is also a large contribution to the feminist community, as women continue to fight for equal rights and opportunities. It's about time a women's team was celebrated for their achievements!

3. Their third World Cup final was the most-viewed soccer game in American history.

A record 26.7 million Americans tuned in to watch the victorious women claim their well-deserved title. Worldwide, 760 million people watched the game. That in itself is a victory in regards to women's sports.

4. They continue to fight for equal pay.

As outrageous as it sounds, the women's team has received a minuscule fraction of the pay that the men's team has, despite the fact that women have won three World Cups. The women took home $2 million in prize money last July, while Germany the prior year took home closer to $35 million. This is a large discrepancy that the team is currently working towards eradicating.

5. They stay strong in a male-dominated field.

FIFA was, and still, is a male-dominated organization, with women rarely holding leadership positions. The USWNT continues to fight the discrimination FIFA has against women. In July, former president Sepp Blatter, who also claimed that the women's games would have more viewers if they "wore tighter shorts," did not attend the game. With the help of these women, FIFA then banned him from the sport for eight years.

6. The women support each other.

This is also demonstrated by the fight for equal pay. Several women --including players Hope Solo, Carli Lloyd, and Alex Morgan -- recently filed a wage-discrimination action against the U.S. Soccer Federation on behalf of the entire team. The women stick together and work as a unit to fight for what they believe in.

7. They continue to fight for equal opportunity.

Along with pay disparity, the women of the team are fighting for equal treatment and opportunity. Star player Alex Morgan posted to Instagram days ago, stating that women deserve to play on safe, grass fields as opposed to dangerous turf, and that they should have equal and safe travel accommodations as well.

8. Most importantly, they strive to be role models for girls around the world.

In the Instagram post described above, Morgan also mentions how she, along with the entire team, hopes to inspire young girls to become athletes. In a world where women are constantly degraded, it is refreshing to have a group of powerful women advocate for equal rights and equal opportunity. Though the world's feminist viewpoints are increasing, there are always room for more.

The USWNT consists powerful women; each of these women continue to prove their strength both on and off the field. They should always be celebrated for being the best soccer team out there!

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