Sure, summer is fantastic. It's great to have a break with no responsibilities, and to get to sleep in every now and then. To have some time to catch up with your family and hometown friends, to go on vacation, and to visit the beach. We love summer, there's no denying it, but, summer is almost over, and school is about to start back up again. It's not all bad, there are definitely some benefits to having school start back up again. It's great to be a part of a close-knit community, where everyone is familiar with their surroundings and environment. It's time to get your life back on schedule.
Here are eight reasons why you should be looking forward to college starting:
1. You get to see all of your college friends again
"OMG I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU IN FOREVER BECKY!!!!!" This includes getting to see your sorority sisters or fraternity brothers.
2. You get to see who you have class with
Hey, maybe you'll meet your own Aaron
3. You get an excuse to go shopping
Who doesn't enjoy getting new clothes and supplies?
4. You get to live on your own
Your place, your rules... with the exception of your roommates.
5. Reuniting with your clubs
Now you're back, and more ready than ever.
6. You can join new organizations
You now have the chance to join any organizations you haven't been a part of before.
7. You're back in your school town
If you don't like your school town, why do you even go there?
8. You can't ever be bored
With all of the activities going on, you'll never be bored. You'll have all of your friends in one place! Check out the sporting events, the concerts, plays, and movies going on. Explore what your school has to offer!
School is coming right around the corner, so get ready! For me, personally I get bored in the summer and I always want to go back to my school town. You can meet new people, make new hobbies, join new clubs and organizations. Football games and other sporting events are exciting, and you can invite your family or friends. If you recently changed your major, it will be amazing to start in a new program. You'll get to see everything fall into place, and you'll realize what you really want to do with your career. Maybe you're studying abroad during the school year, or you're starting an internship/new job. You'll have so many new opportunities and experiences for this upcoming year! Maybe this is the year that you've decided that you're going to aim for a specific GPA, or a specific job, and you have your mind set on it. School is all about accomplishing your goals, and having the the right mind set, while having fun at the same time. You have to learn how to juggle everything, which is what makes college so amazing.