Soft Kitty
Warm Kitty
Little Ball Of Fur!
Happy Kitty
Sleepy Kitty
Purr, Purr, Purr!
Cats and humans have walked hand in paw as far back as 9500 BC. Cats were worshipped in ancient Egypt, mummified and buried in tombs along with their human companions. Towards the end of the 19th century, cats were more commonly becoming domesticated primarily due to their service as mousers.
Today, cats can be found in households all over the world. As someone who grew up with these felines, cats have left their paw prints on my heart.
Below are eight reasons why cats make the best household pets! Maybe, just maybe, they will leave their paw print on your heart as well.
1. Cats are ***holes.
Don't lie, we all have ***hole tendencies. Coincidentally, our personalities are all the more relatable to that of our cats. Therefore, you can not chastise them for acting just as you would.
2. Cats have personal space issues.
On bad days, sometimes we just need to be held and told everything will be okay. If a significant other in your life is merely non-existent, cats are the perfect pet to curl up with you and cuddle you until they don't feel like it anymore.
3. Cats are not clingy.
Although cats are masters at sensing when we are having a bad day and need some love, they understand when enough is enough. Too much of anything is never good. For a length of time, a cat (or four cats) may cuddle you, purr, the whole sha-bang, but then they will move on with their day as if you do not exist. This lapse of affection gives you plenty of time to maintain your independence and do you, boo boo.
4. Cats can entertain themselves.
Unless you are the kind of person who needs the latest and greatest gadgets, like a 7-foot cat tree or industrial cat-walk, felines can find entertainment in almost anything. Lay down a box from the new TV you bought and they will be distracted with it all day. A dust bunny or flickering reflecting light from your phone screen can also suffice as adequate play things.
5. Cats require little maintenance.
Litter box, hard food, water bowl and a scratch-able item(s) amount to most of what a cat needs on a daily basis. If you are a homebody or just trying to stay dry on a rainy day, cats do not require walks or bathroom runs outside. Besides annual vet visits as required for most pets, where much of their grooming needs can be met i.e getting their nails cut, scooping their litter and feeding them sums up the hard labor involved with having a cat.
6. Cats sleep the majority of their life.
This aspect is one to be envied. Half the time you won't notice your feline is even in your home, unless you have an energized kitten. Even so, like human babies, kittens sleep heavily to help with growth and development. And if you are looking to stay in shape, a kitten can certainly help you with that because you will be running all over your house keeping the fluff ball out of trouble.
7. Cats can help in animal-assisted therapy.
Study shows cats are helpful for children with autism, people with anxiety and depression, developmentally disabled patients, convicts in prison, Alzheimer's patients, simply those with stress and more.
8. Cats teach you empathy.
To be responsible for another life is a great lesson to be learned. Having a cat sets the foundations for being caring, nurturing, responsible and empathetic for another life. Thinking about having children? If you can care for a pet, you set in motion caring for a more serious individual in your life.
Cats make great pets. Cats make great companions. And most importantly, cats make great life-long companions. As an owner of four cats, I have always rescued my pets. I recommend taking a day to visit your local shelter and hanging out with these furry friends. Even if you can't adopt for whatever reason, volunteering your time is a great way to support these remarkable animals that could make a great addition to anyone's home.
The world is lucky to have a wide array of marvelous animals, but none of them are as unique and enjoyable as cats are.
*Photo credits: Leonardo and Chase, the two cute, yet crazy kittens I adopted before Christmas at the Philadelphia ACCT*