dAs final week approaches for college kids across the country, it's that time of year where libraries fill up and zombie-like students can be seen roaming the streets. I am totally in favor of studying in my room rather than the library. My friends will ask if I want to walk over with them and then laugh to themselves and say 'oh, I forgot, it's you.' Libraries do have that 'you have five hours 'til your paper is due so you better get to work' vibe, but there are definitely perks to studying in your room too.
1. You never have to worry about finding a seat.
As finals approach, every inch of space in every library will be taken by a person or backpack because they're 'saving it for a friend.' When you study in your room, there's no awkward walk of shame when you enter a room in the library, scan for an empty seat, and then have to back out without any sudden movements. Also, you don't have to worry about people hogging the outlets.
2. You're in total control of your own studying habits.
If you're writing a paper and need to read a paragraph out loud to see if it sounds good, you can do that. If you need to sing the definition of a stomata to 'hotline bling' so that you can remember it, you can do that too. Whatever helps you get that W on your exam.
3. There are fewer annoying people in your room.
During finals week, everyone's irritable and prone to irrational behavior. If someone's talking a bit too loudly, or tapping their fingers, or even chewing too close to you, it can set you off or make you unable to focus. Luckily, there's none of that in your own room.
4. You control the thermostat.
Libraries are either freezing cold or boiling hot, there's no in between. When you're in your room, you're free to change into shorts if it gets to hot. Hell, you can study in your underwear if you need to, because no one's there to see you.
5. No one will judge you for your eating habits.
No one's there to look on, horrified, as you make a sandwich out of two Doritos and an Oreo, then wash it down with half a can of blueberry Red Bull.
6. ...Or your studying habits.
There's no fear that when you give yourself a 20 minute break to watch "Gilmore Girls," there's someone snooping on your screen, judging you for your lack of focus.
7. You can do whatever makes you comfortable enough to work.
In your room, no one will judge you if you lie on the floor with your head propped up by a pillow and your computer on your stomach. In the library, they might.
8. Most importantly, you can go to sleep whenever you want.
The minute that paper is submitted or you know all there is to know about cloud formation, you can go straight to sleep. There's no walking home alone when it's cold and dark out, just you and your pillow.
Good luck on finals!