8 Reasons Why Penn State Is The Best College On Earth
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8 Reasons Why Penn State Is The Best College On Earth

In the Opinion of Someone Who's Only Been Here For a Few Months

8 Reasons Why Penn State Is The Best College On Earth

I recently became a freshman at Penn State and I don't think a person could possibly be more in love with a college more than I have become with Happy Valley.

Here are 10 reasons why Penn State is the best college on earth:

1. The campus

Every day I wake up and look outside my dorm window to look at the most beautiful campus I've ever seen. The area is huge, at a staggering 8,556 acres. There are beautiful trees and plants lining every sidewalk, all of the buildings are gorgeous examples of just how awesome the profession of architecture can be. There are tons of great outdoor areas to sit down and do your homework or just hang out like the HUB or Old Main lawn. There's even several small, yet beautiful areas scattered throughout the campus. It really is a nice world to observe as you walk to class every day.

2. The parties

Let's be honest, there really is nothing quite like a good party at Penn State. I mean, the transition from high school parties to Penn State parties is like the transition from Hannah Montana to the Miley Cyrus we know today. And plus, you have a ton of options every night as to which party you want to go to. It's like a buffet of balls-to-the-wall, college-y fun. Plus, you never know what kinds of stories you'll be bringing home to your floormates every time you go out. Why else would Penn State be ranked among the best party schools in America by Total Frat Move?

3. The opportunities

Penn State probably has the most diverse collection of extracurricular activities of any college in America. With over 1,000 student-run organizations, ranging from the College Republicans and Democrats, to the beekeeping club, to the club ultimate frisbee team, to the paranormal research club, there really is something for everyone. There are also a ton of great internships opportunities for any major, some of which take place abroad. If you ever want to have an internship in China, Penn State is calling your name. There are even opportunities to see special guest speakers of all levels of celebrity at our campus's auditoriums. For example, this fall, Penn State will be hosting Gloria Steinem, George Takei, and RJ Mitte, who played Walter Jr. in Breaking Bad. Just a few days ago, I got to meet Chelsea Clinton, who was holding a campaign event downtown.

4. The football games

Obviously. Penn State football games are nothing short of amazing. In a stadium that seats over 107,000 people, Penn State's games are endlessly fun. There is nothing like screaming at the top of your lungs with the crowd until your voice is gone every time one of Penn State's future-NFL superstars scores. Even before the games start, the tailgates are legendary. There are, what feels like, endless amounts of food to go around, like hot dogs, smoked sausages, burgers, potato salad, and whatever else your heart may desire. Plus, after you're done eating, you can go through the stadium gate and find your seat, just before you can stand up, arm-in-arm with everyone around you, as the stadium sings the Penn State alma mater in unison, before and after the game. When I first did that, I felt truly at home.

5. The entertainment

Penn State is lucky to have the Bryce Jordan Center on campus. It allows students to see some of the biggest names in entertainment live in concerts. For example, just last week, Kiss came to perform a concert that my floormate described as "indescribably legendary." Even Kanye West will be stopping by for his new tour at the end of September for a show. Yet, it's not just music. WWE Live will be having an event this fall, and stand-up comedians like Jeff Dunham are also often on the schedule. It all just goes to show that here at Penn State, there is always something to look forward to.

6. Downtown Penn State

Downtown State College, located directly south of Penn State's dorm buildings, is another source of entertainment that students flock to. If you've been eating at the dining halls all week and want to mix it up a bit, you can head downtown and hit up Primanti Bros. or Are-U-Hungry to grab a "Fat Bitch" sandwich, which consists of french fries, mozzerella sticks, chicken tenders, ketchup, mayo, and some other wild stuff. Or, if you're over twenty-one and you're looking to get a drink, Penn State is loaded with highly-reputable bars. There are also great places to get clothing. For those who are really feeling the Penn State school spirit, you can head down to the Family Clothesline or McLanahan's to get some super nice Penn State gear. Or, if you're in a more stylish mood, you can head on over to Urban Outfitters on East College Avenue. Here in Happy Valley, there is no excuse to be hungry, and there is no excuse not to be fleekin'.


Penn State is home to the largest student-run philanthropy organization in the world: THON. Okay, so I've never actually been to the THON event itself, but I am aware of its impact on young cancer patients, the Penn State community, and the entire region we live in. Every year, Penn State students in all different types of clubs and organizations hold fundraisers and "canning trips" in order to raise money for the Penn State Hershey Children's Hospital. In all the years THON has existed, the students have raised over $137 million. In the winter, the THON season ends with the enormous THON event in the Bryce Jordan Center, in which thousands of students hold a 46-hour dance marathon. It may be an exhausting event, but it's an incredibly fun one, with an even deeper reason: to end childhood cancer.

8.The People

I don't know the exact reason why Penn State is often called "Happy Valley," but if I had to guess, it would be because the people are the glue hold thats all of the great aspects of Penn State together. When I first came here, I could not have felt more welcomed. The people here are some of the kindest, warmest, most welcoming people I've ever met, whether they're the professors, my advisor, the students, or my club leaders. They made me feel at home. Even the animals here are friendly. The rabbits, squirrels, and chipmunks that run around campus don't run away, no matter how close you get to them. So, like, if you're looking to take a sweet-ass close-up picture of a squirrel, Penn State is probably the best place to go for such an endeavor.

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