I was 16-years-old when I had to get my first job, and I quickly learned how not fun it was growing up. However looking back I've realized how lucky I've been in the jobs I've gotten to had. My first job was at Subway. At first, I hated it, and dreaded going to work, as you can imagine, when costumers are watching you make their food, they can be extremely rude.
Everything got better though once I actually got to know my coworkers. That job introduced me to some of my best friends, who I'm very lucky to still call friends today. I definitely wasn't looking forward to going to college and having to find a different job after that. September of last year, with my parents pressuring me to get a job, I went out looking. By chance I found myself applying at a local clothing shop called Inspired Boutique. I think about it everyday how if me and my friend wouldn't have randomly decided to shop in this store and ask the manager if they were hiring, I would have never had the chance to get to know all of the amazing girls I work with now, girls I am lucky enough to just call coworkers, but also call friends. So here's a list of the best parts about loving your coworkers, hopefully, some of you can relate!
1. Work never feels like work.
The first and probably best part of loving your coworkers is that going to work, does;t even feel like going to work. Suddenly, going into work just feels like going to hang out with your friends, while having to do some chores simultaneously. It's the best feeling in the world to get home from a day of school and thinking "finally, I get to go to work."
2. You don't have to cover up a bad day while at work.
We all have off days, whether it's after a breakup, finding out you got a bad grade on a test, or just fighting with your parents. Having to go to work while dealing with these things can be the worst thing ever, having to hide your feelings and put on a happy face is a stressful feeling. If you're lucky enough, though, to have coworkers you love, you know they'll always listen to you vent endlessly, and they'll never make you feel like you have to hide how you're feeling.
3. It's like having a small family.
If you've ever loved the people you work with, then you know what I'm talking about, it's when work meetings start to feel like small family reunions. You can all laugh and joke around, get off topic then get back on topic just to get off topic again. Support systems are so important in life, and you can never have too many, so when your coworkers become like your family, it's like having another support system, wether it's by giving boy advice, or just helping you study for a test.
4. The pranks you pull on your coworkers.
Soo I was closing up at subway one night with my coworker Abby when suddenly the music starts playing very loud, and we hear banging on the walls. Not gonna lie I was very freaked out at first, just to find out later on that our manager had given the keys to the office to our other two coworkers to mess with us while closing. There was also a time while closing that we randomly saw a guy in a chicken suit come up to the front window, just to find out that was also one of our coworkers. These were some of the best times I had while at work, the times that I realized, work can be so much fun if you're working with the right people.
5. It's never weird asking for a ride home from work.
This one's pretty self explanatory, so shout out to all the coworkers who have given me rides after work when I didn't have a car and didn't make me walk. (:
7. You don't mind taking an extra shift.
While some people might dread having to go into work when they weren't scheduled, for me, it doesn't bother me at all. Getting a text from my manager asking me to come in on one my off days is actually something I view as a good thing. I get to make some extra money, for going in and hanging out with people I like, what's to dread about that?
8. How they inspire you, and how you can inspire them.
You spend a lot of time with your coworkers, so having coworkers that push you to be a better person is awesome. Personally, my current co workers have been some of the most influential people I've met, who have pushed me to grow in my faith and not be ashamed of what I believe. I don;t think I will ever be able to thank them for who they have all helped me, but I do hope I have been able to inspire or help them in ways as well.
While I'm sure I could go on longer, these are the top reasons why I've loved my jobs. So to all the people I used to work with, and the people I currently work with, thank you for being so amazing, and for being more that just coworkers, I could never express how grateful I am to have met you, I love you all <3