September 15th marks the start of Hispanic Heritage Month. A month of celebrating all things we love about our beautiful Hispanic Culture. There are so many reasons why I love being Hispanic and why I love my culture and where I come from. Even though there are so many reasons I love the blood that runs through my veins here are the top 8 reasons I love being Hispanic.
1. Food, food, food, and more food.
No matter where it comes from any type of Hispanic food is sure to satisfy. Some of my favorite memories involve a good Mexican home cooked meal, and no I still haven't gotten tired of tamales, menudo, or chile.
2. The Culture.
The beautiful Hispanic culture is quickly growning and you can't deny the influence Hispanic culture has had on the United States from food to art to language. The Hispanic culture is unique, authentic and like no other.
3. The Music.
When any type of Hispanic music comes on all you want to do is either get up and dance or have a good time. Even the Hispanic music that makes you cry still has good times behind it. Regardless Hispanic music is a one of a kind sound that you won't get tired of.
4. Our Work Ethic.
You can always catch a Hispanic working for what they have. Despite what most people might like to think about Hispanics, we have this "work" mentality that I am so proud of. Whether it is working our way up the corporate ladder or selling fruit on the side of the road you can always find a Hispanic pushing for another day.
5. Our family.
Ask any Hispanic and they will tell you that no matter what family always comes first. Regardless of how mad you may get at your family when you are Hispanic your mom, grandma, tias, tios, primos, and primas will always be your favorite people.
6. Our parties are the best.
Whether it be a birthday party, wedding, or graduation party you can always count on Hispanics to make a party extra fun and exciting. Hispanics know exactly how to have a good time and make sure everyone else is having a good time as well.
7. Our traditions.
I can't explain how many times I've had to explain some Hispanic traditions to my non-Hispanic friends, and how many times they've all wished they had traditions close to those of Hispanics. Our traditions set us apart from any other culture and I wouldn't trade those traditions for the world.
8. Our Pride.
My love for being Hispanic has been in me since I was a little girl. I learned to love who I am and never hold back for anybody. I learned to fight everyday for what I want and I thank my Hispanic roots for showing me how to be proud of myself and where I come from.