Middle school is good and high school is better, but college is the best. The four years before you enter the real world will be the best years of your life. Enjoy those four years and do not take them for granted because it will fly by faster than high school. Here are all the reasons why I love being a college student.
1. Freedom.
Once you move out and into your dorm, you are on your own. You do not have your parents constantly breathing down your back and you do not have to talk to them everyday. You can do what you want, but be smart about it. It is one of the best and scariest feelings you will ever have.
2. It is a fresh start.
After leaving for college, I lost contact with a lot of my friends from high school, and I am perfectly OK with that. When you go to college, you probably will not know anyone. They do not know anything about your past, so there is no judgement. It is a new beginning.
3. You learn about what you want do.
Other than general education credits, you take classes that are for your major and those are pretty cool. Assuming you like your major (I mean, why else would you pick it?). It is really nice learning about what you want instead of taking what you have to in high school.
4. It is the start of your future.
This is the time where you get to find out who you really are, and you have to deal with adult decisions because no one else can do that for you. College sets you up for the real world. You do not have someone holding your hand anymore and telling you what you have to do. You have to be responsible now, which sounds scary, but it is rewarding.
5. Friends.
The friends you meet here will be your best friends for the rest of your life. Some of them may even be in your wedding. They are there for you whether you are freaking out over some big exam you have coming up or if there is a snow storm on your birthday. They are good people (as long as you pick the right friends).
6. It is not high school.
Oh, high school. I do not miss you. There is always some gossip going around about who is sleeping with who and bragging about something stupid they did over the weekend. People are always spreading rumors and trying to make you feel bad about whatever they are insecure about. In college, people do not care. They do their own thing and mind their own business.
7. You can be your own person.
In high school, most of us are worried about impressing somebody whether is your crush or some people you hang out with. We did not want some stupid rumor spread about us, but as stated before, people in college mind their own business, so be you. Be crazy, but be smart about what you are doing.
8. The memories will last you a lifetime.
College is great and you will probably never want to leave. Although the exams and work load can be a tad much sometimes, it is worth it in the end. You will never forget the things you do in college and you will make some of the best memories ever in these four years. Enjoy it and laugh about it in the future.