I've always been majorly into birthdays. So in honor of my 19th, here are 8 reasons why birthdays are the absolute best things ever.
1. Cake
Oh YES. Any celebration where the primary focus is desert = win.
2. Ice cream with the cake
I don't need an excuse to eat ice cream, but hey, if you want to give me one, I'm definitely taking it.
3. No guilt food
Not only do you get ice cream and cake, you get to eat whatever you want because it's your birthday and it's the perfect excuse. Calories don't count on your birthday, right?
4. People sing to you
Besides the awkward never-knowing-where-to-look part, it's pretty great. I mean, when else are you going to be serenaded by everyone you know?
5. Birthday cards
6. Balloons
I will never understand why, but balloons may be one of the happiest things on earth.
7. You get free stuff
Free gifts, free dessert, free Starbucks, free doughnuts...how can you not love it?
8. You just can't help but feel good.
It's a day to celebrate you. You can't help but feel special.
Hoping your birthday is fabulous whenever it is!