If you are one of the many students, like myself, who thought they could take on an a.m. class in college, then you can relate to the overwhelming sadness that comes with looking at your phone and realizing there is no time to sleep in. At the beginning of the year I relied heavily on the idea that if I woke up five minutes late, I might as well sleep in and skip class entirely, rather than rush myself and cause any unnecessary stress to my poor, fragile nerves. Although after about two months of being forced to leave my blanket cocoon before 7 a.m. every morning, it came to be a little easier for me (haha jk) and I realized that there are some perks to waking up early every morning.
1. Classes are over earlier!
Even if you have more than one morning class in the a.m. they generally don't go past noon and after that, the sky's the limit! (Like time for naps!)
2. There's time for breakfast.
Not only is it oh-so-tasty, but it starts your metabolism early in the day so you're helping yourself lose weight. Win-win.
3. More time to listen to music!
Music stimulates the brain, the earlier the stimulation, the bigger the brain! (theoretically).
4. You can organize the day.
Sitting down and looking at the day gets you to that meeting with your professor on time, and still allows for all your diabolical plans to take over the world.
5. It improves your quality of sleep at night.
Waking up early every day creates a healthy sleep cycle, making the hours you get later mean more. MhmmmmzzZZZZ.
6. It enhances productivity.
Getting up early wakes your brain up and helps you pay attention better and think smarter so you can kick that exam in the face!
7. It encourages exercise.
Early morning workouts after class are great stress relievers and get your body ready for the day. Way to go, you.
8. It doesn't let you waste away the day.
Everyone has the same amount of hours in a day so get up, go to class and make yourself a legend.