As a newly 22-year-old female, you best believe Taylor Swift's "22" has been my anthem since the eve of my birthday. I use to listen to this song in high school and laugh because — who wants to dress up like a hipster and make fun of their exes at 22? LOL, not me. I had this idea that by the time I was 22 I would be in a loving long-term relationship, ready to graduate college and move in together. I would also be getting eight hours of sleep at night, I would have a bomb group of friends, a sick wardrobe, a ton of money, and overall I would have my sh*t together. Now that I'm actually 22 I spend most evenings trying to decide how much food and/or liquor I can consume before I puke. That might not be the type of evening my girl Taylor Swift had in mind, but here are eight reasons I'm making "22" my single girl anthem of 2017 and you should too:
8. It's the perfect song to dance like Taylor too.
7. "It feels like the perfect night for breakfast at midnight."
The best time to eat breakfast is anytime.
6. According to T, it's also the perfect night to make fun of our exes.
5. Whether you're 22 or not, you're most certainly "happy, free, confused, and lonely at the same time."
4. "Tonight's the night we forget about the deadlines."
3. You look like bad news... so naturally I gotta have you.
We're all guilty of it. The boy we know is totally going to destroy our heart, but for some reason, we just have to have 'em.
2. "Everything will be alright if you keep me next to you."
1. Deep down inside we all just want to be Taylor Swift.
I mean how awesome is she? Definite goals.