8 Reasons To Obsess Over Ben Folds
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8 Reasons To Obsess Over Ben Folds

He's still rocking the suburbs.

8 Reasons To Obsess Over Ben Folds

Ben Folds is just your average, nerdy piano pop wizard who is widely known as the frontman for the band Ben Folds Five. I discovered him back in 2010 and haven't been able to stop listening since. With the recent release of his album So There, he showcased the piano concerto he recently wrote and a beautiful collaboration with yMusic, proving that he is actually capable of anything. Over the years, I have found a myriad of reasons to love him as a musician and person.

1. He has mad piano skills.

Before I heard Ben Folds' music, I didn't think anyone could really rock out on the piano. I was dead wrong. Check out his early days in Ben Folds Five if you want to hear just how ridiculous he is.

2. A lot of his music is autobiographic and covers topics beyond love.

Ben Folds is a lyrical genius. He will break your heart and cause you to have an existential crisis. Don't believe me? Listen to "Army" and "Not a Fan".

3. He's a great solo artist AND collaborator.

Pictured above: Ben Folds and English author, Nick Hornby.

Ben Folds' career really took off with Ben Folds Five, along with Darren Jesse and Robert Sledge. He later proved he could hold his own when he released his album Rockin' the Suburbs in 2001. He has also collaborated with artists like Regina Spektor, Sara Bareilles, Rufus Wainwright, and Chris Thile. For his album Lonely Avenue, he wrote original music paired with Nick Hornby's lyrics. Whether it's Ben and a piano or Ben and an entire orchestra, he's a fantastic musician.

4. He stands up for what he believes in.

Pictured above: Ben Folds and Jerry Greenfield, supporting Bernie Sanders in Vermont.

Ben Folds does not normally make political statements. However, he has expressed that he is feeling the Bern for the 2016 election. While you may not agree with him, you have to admire him for using his platform to stand up for what he thinks is right. He also does his part to support the arts- whether it be personally endorsing orchestras across America during his orchestra tour or advocating to save the RCA studio A from demolition.

5. He puts on an exciting show.

Pictured above: Ben Folds conducting the audience during his song "Not the Same."

I was fortunate enough to see Ben Folds perform live with the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra in 2014. He was such an enthusiastic and energetic performer. He composed a song on the spot and conducted the audience in three-part, choral harmony during his song, "Not the Same." He rocked so hard that he may or may not have broken a Steinway piano.

6. He's innovative, and he doesn't succumb to mainstream pressure.

Back in the nineties when grunge bands were rising to stardom, Ben Folds was completely against adding a guitar to the instrumentation of Ben Folds Five: piano, bass, and drums. Throughout his career, he's never felt the need to move away from a piano-centered sound. Recently, Ben Folds decided to write and record a piano concerto. As a popular musician, this was a huge, unusual project for him. He also collaborated with a contemporary music group, yMusic, on his latest album.

7. He pursued his true dream even in the face of adversity.

Pictured above: A very young Ben Folds Five.

Once upon a time, Ben Folds attended the Frost School of Music as a percussionist at the University of Miami. He ended up dropping out due to a slew of unfortunate events. However, this obviously didn't slow down his career or hinder his true passion for piano. In 1994, the trio of Ben Folds Five was formed and the rest is history.

8. He produced an entire album of acapella covers of his music by some of the best college acapella groups in the country.

Pictured above: Ben Folds with the Princeton Nassoons.

Do I really have to explain how awesome this is? Have a listen.

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