10 Reasons To Go Listen To Halsey, Like Right Now | The Odyssey Online
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10 Reasons To Go Listen To Halsey, Like Right Now

She's more than just a feature on a song.

10 Reasons To Go Listen To Halsey, Like Right Now
Today Show

To the majority of the world, she may be unknown or she is known as the woman who is featured on the mega hit "Closer" with the Chainsmokers. Yet, this woman has so much more to offer the world than just a feature on a song. Her music speaks for itself. Who is she? She goes by the name of Halsey.

Halsey is more than what meets the eye and if you haven't realized that yet, here are some reasons why you should go check out her music right now.

1. Halsey is her stage name and oh yeah, she's 22.

Her birth name is Ashley Nicolette Frangipane and she was born on September 29, 1994. To all my twenty-somethings, that's right, she's our age and she's reeling in those dollar bills like it's nothing. Home girl is making millions while most of us are making college debt. Also, her stage name is actually an anagram of the letters in her first name. Clever, right?!

2. She is an unapologetic badass.

Halsey is heading straight to the castle and is definitely a queen. She's not afraid to speak her mind. If you don't like her look, she doesn't care. She's not your average cookie-cutter pop star. No, this woman has shaved her head without a second thought and let me tell you, girlfriend can pull it off. She and her music are a force to be reckoned with.

3. Her voice is not auto-tuned.

She's one of those what you see is what you get singers. Sure, she has songs that delve into the electronic pop side of music. Yet, her raspy voice belongs to her. Don't believe me? Go give her songs a listen from her one mic one take sessions. Warning: you may end up listening to her songs for hours and become obsessed with her voice.

4. She writes her own songs.

"Art is not what I create, what I create is chaos," Halsey said it herself. She sure knows how to create songs that are so different from one another. Each has its own shade of emotion that resonates with others differently. Halsey even enjoys her fans taking on different interpretations to her lyrics. What's important is that her fans can relate.

5. Her songs are raw and honest.

Her song "Hurricane" says it all. You don't belong to no city, nor no man. Halsey also has no issue of addressing toxic relationships that involve abuse. In one of her songs, "Trouble", she has the lyric "Let's cause a little trouble, oh you make me feel so weak. I bet you kiss your knuckles right before they touch my cheek." She doesn't glorify abuse. She addresses it head on for what it is. She then has songs on how to get away from toxic relationships to find love within yourself.

6. Her lyrics are filled with metaphors and imagery.

"You were red and you liked me 'cause I was blue. You touched me and suddenly I was a lilac sky. And you decided purple just wasn't for you." This lyric is from her song "Colors". Who would've thought a color combination could be so deep? Throughout all of her songs and even the naming of her albums, you can see her use of metaphors and imagery. It's what makes her lyrics come to life and really leaves a mark on her listeners.

7. She's an advocate.

Halsey provides representation for females. She is a feminist who is encouraging all women to speak their mind. She believes women shouldn't be tearing each other down. Instead, they should be supporting one another.

8. She owns her imperfections.

Halsey went to Instagram to share with her followers about her struggle living with endometriosis. Even when she isn't feeling her best, she pushes past the pain for her fans. Further on in her post, she says, "I'd do anything for you guys!" Her fans are her everything.

9. She has a new album out right now.

She just dropped a new album last week and it's the first female album to be number one in 2017. The album is called "Hopeless Fountain Kingdom" and it's a version of a tale as old as time, Romeo and Juliet. Halsey begins the album by rereading Shakespeare's original prologue to Romeo and Juliet and from there you enter "Hopeless Fountain Kingdom". She already has a hit single from the new album. "Now or Never" is blasting its way through radio stations and being downloaded all around. Go give her latest album a listen. I promise you won't regret it!

10. Halsey is on tour.

She is headlining her own tour this fall. Check the tour dates to see if she may be coming to a city near you. This is a concert you're not going to want to miss.

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