Growing up with sisters, I realized how it would be so much harder with out them. Whether it's because I'd have half as many clothes, or because I wouldn't always have my best friend with me, I need my sisters.
1. Best advice
Sisters always look out for each other. Whether it's a stressful day at school or the inability to pick out a shirt for a party, somehow sisters always know how to solve your problems. Their advice is intended to help. Although their brutal honesty about the shirt you love, but they hate might seem hurtful, you know you have to listen because a sisters advice matters more than anything.
2. They keep your secrets
There's a reason no one says anything when mom asks who ate the tub of ice cream from the freezer even though they all know it was you. No matter how big or small, the secrets you tell your sisters will always stay between you and them.
3. Their friends are your friends
In high school especially, having friends in different grades is common. With two or three sisters in high school at the same time, there's almost a guarantee that you will share some of the same friends. Whether they meet at a soccer tryout or in your basement, don't be surprised when you see your sister texting one of your friends.
4. More than one closet
Multiple closest has to be one of the best things about your sisters. Having double or triple the closets of everyone else is so awesome. Whether it's a dress for a date or a shirt for job interview, you can always rely on your sisters to make sure you look super cute.
5. Guaranteed BFF
In life, friends come and go but you can always depend on your sisters to be with you through it all. They are always there for you no matter what happens. Fights between sisters are likely, but it's nearly impossible to cut them out of your life when their bedroom is right across the hall.
6. Constant Encouragement
Even though their honesty can be hurtful, you can always rely on your sisters to encourage you to do your best. Sisters make the best cheerleaders at sporting events and other activities. Seeing you succeed makes them feel as happy as they feel when they succeed.
7. Someone to hangout with
Although you might be disappointed when your best friend can't come over for movie night or a sleepover, there's no need to be sad because sisters are always willing to stay up late eating ice cream and watching Netflix.
8. You learn from their mistakes
Just like Hannah Montana said in the songs my sisters and I used to jam out to, everybody makes mistakes. The plus side to having sisters is you know that you won't make the same mistakes they did. Watching their mistakes guides you to not make the same ones.
Life would not be the same without sisters. Sisters are the biggest blessing and always something to be thankful for. They have come into your life and made it better.