Tattoos are pretty dope.
While 1-in-3 young people have them, though, they still pose a threat to being stigmatized. Here's why I shouldn't have to worry about getting tattoos when it comes to other people:
1. They're sick af.
Tattoos are art that you carry with you everywhere. Whether it's something to symbolize something important to you, or if you just really like a piece of art, they're really cool.
2. They express who I am.
I didn't get them for no reason - there's a story behind every single one and they tell my individual story.
3. Literally, EVERYONE has them.
This can't even be used as a "well THEY have it so why can't I have it TOO?!" They're not slightly abnormal to see anymore because they are so common.
4. They don't affect my skills.
A day at a tattoo parlor didn't magically take away my education, my experience, or how I perform in a work environment and therefore shouldn't prevent me from getting a job.
5. They don't mean I'm an irresponsible hooligan.
As previously mentioned, tattoos are everywhere, on people of all shapes, sizes and styles.
6. They won't make you lose business.
With tattoos being so normal to see now, having someone at the register with tattoos won't make you lose business. In fact, it might just bring in business from people recognizing how accepting your management is.
7. They show that I'm creative and free thinking.
Along with skills and experience, every employer needs someone with fresh ideas and who can think outside of the box. Tattoos show creativity and the ability to
8. They don't affect who I am as an employee, a parent, a functioning adult...etc.
There's an old saying that goes, "Beauty is only skin-deep." In the same sense, tattoos are as well. While they may hold a deeper meaning, they don't change who I am as a person.