Summer, the best time of year. Except is it really though? When we were young we used to countdown the days until school was out for summer and we could lay by the pool with our friends all day. These days, it seems like we countdown the days until summer is over.
Summer in college is entirely different than at any other point in our lives. We still have a summer break to enjoy time off from the stress of schoolwork, however we don’t have nearly half the free time and pleasure as we did before we arrived at college. Summer breaks in college are quite the phenomenon because they are entirely different than summer at any other point in our lives.
1. For the most part, you have to have a job, or be doing something productive with your life.
Being an adult is hard. I’m glad this is just practice.
2. Because you have to work, you’re probably way paler than you used to be during the summer.
My summer foundation is actually orange. Maybe if I blend it into my neck no one will notice that I actually reflect light now.
3. None of your friends are anywhere near you. Like, anywhere near you.
Hello, I miss you so. Seems like it’s been forever... since the squad was together.
4. The craziest thing you do is turn up with your parents.
I guess they’re not too bad after all. Could be worse.
5. Summer school is actually pretty cool.
Don’t you wish summer school were always like this?
6. You go from living on your own terms to living on your parents’ terms.
Never mind, not cool. Mom, my curfew cannot be 1 a.m. if I normally head to the bar at that time...
7. It seems like everyone else is having the time of his or her life.
Y’all’s Insta feeds are on point. I will continue to enjoy them from the comfort of my bed at 9 p.m. every night.
8. You’re counting down the days until you’re back at school.
Time could not go by any slower.
See ya in less than a month, Bama.