Why do we spend so much time on social media? Why do we care how we look? Our ancestors never had this technology and they were fine without it, we on the other hand would collapse. With all of the new filters, Snapchat is taking over lives by storm. Here are some reasons why:
1. You want people to think you have an amazing/ interesting life.
2. Spending hours on picking the right filter so you can send it to the boy you think is cute.
3. The new filters are so entertaining and are always changing!
It is time to check on which filter was added today!
4. Screenshots.
I think this speaks for itself, that notification we get makes our stomachs drop.
5. People think it is cool to Snapchat their speed while driving.
People have actually died from this. It is not safe and there should be no Snapchatting and driving or even texting.
6. Trying to get your pet's face recognized with the filters.
7. The new update that has everyone clicking on stories they didn't want to watch.
No thank you, I didn't want to watch her story at the moment but thanks for the option, not.
8. Procrastination.
People love to snap events from their entire day which can distract others.
Without social media the world would be so different. There would be no competition between teens with the amount of followers and likes they get. There would be no retweets or Snapchats. There would be no sitting there trying to get your pet to cooperate and get the filter on. There would be no cyberbullying. But there would also be a lack of communication between peers.