People always tell me that I am so weird. Maybe because I would sprint across campus just because I think it would be fun, or maybe because I would start dancing whenever I hear music no matter where I'd be.
Even though there is nothing wrong with being different, everyone tries to fit in because it's scary to be judged. Weird people are weird because they don't care what people think of them, and are being true to themselves. And being true to yourself is one of the nicest things you can do for yourself. If someone tells you that you're weird, you should be proud.
If you are weird, you're not just weird but also:
1. You Know Yourself Well
To be you, you must know you. You know what makes you happy and know what your opinion is. You are a great decision maker because you know you.
2. You Are Curious and Adventurous
Maybe you know how to ride a unicycle, play musical instruments, speak a couple languages, or how to bartend. Maybe you've been to different countries and seen other cultures. Because you are not afraid of doing something that's not normal, you've done a lot and would love to learn more!
3. You Are Funny
At a party, it's not that fun to look at people playing beer-pong, but it's fun to look at someone dancing like no one is watching! People will laugh at you and you laugh at yourself too because you are fun.
4. You Don't Mind Being By Yourself
Some people can't go to a cafeteria alone because they think that everyone is judging them, but that's not you. Some people can't even register for classes without their friends but that's also not you; you take whatever you want to take. Keep doing you!
5. You Don't Judge People
If you don't care what others say about you, why would you say something about others? You are open minded and accepting because that's what you had to be to accept your own self.
6. You Understand That Not Everyone Has To Like You
It's a fact. Haters gonna hate. Not everyone has the same taste as yours. If you think you are great, then you are great!
7. Your Friends Will Be Your True Friends
Because you are always yourself, honest and not shady, your friends trust you and appreciate how fun you are.
8. You Can Choose To Smile
Because you won't let anyone bring you down, you are in charge of how you feel. You are one of the strongest people
Stay weird and keep being you!