Seventeen or SVT is a South Korean boy group consisting of 13 members. Debuting under Pledis Entertainment in 2015, they have been on a non-stop domination in the K-pop world. Their official symbol, the diamond, represents how bright this group shines. Here are eight reason why Seventeen are changing the K-pop game.
1. They were the only Korean group to make Billboard's 21 Under 21 Hottest Young Stars.
2. They made the Dazed Top 20 K-Pop Songs of 2015, with their debut song "Adore U."
3. Only a year after debut, they have already won the respect of their musical elders, making way for collaborations and huge complements for the group.
4. Only four months after their debut, they broke onto the Billboard's Top 100 with their first No. 1 for their sophmore EP "Boys Be."
5. They are deeply involved in the production of their music. The three units of this group (hip hop, performance, vocal) all partake in every detail of their production process. Even the dances are choreographed by the group themselves. This has led way for them to be nicknamed the "self-producing" idol group.
(Skip to the 1:15 mark to see their performance team in action)
6. They have an extremely talented Hip Hop unit.
As well as amazing vocals
And of course, performance...
7. They treat girl group choreography with respect.
8. They also treat boy group covers with respect.
Bonue: They have their own Leonardo DiCaprio.