If you've ever watched "Parks and Recreation: before, then you are no doubt familiar with Orin. We've never met anyone like him. He's genuinely one of a kind. He might not be the next Bachelor, but he's Orin and that's strangely...better.
1. Orin’s a professional man. His resume will be the first one that employers look at because it's that exceptional.
He may not have extracurriculars or any experience in the corporate world but he has many other skills and talents. He's just too modest.
2. Orin has a bachelor's degree and even has a special talent.
Orin didn't write it on his resume, but humility is key for Orin. How does he stay so humble?
3. Orin knows how to plan an event. It may not have balloons and champagne but can you plan a better event?
Sure, it's not the food bank or a coat drive but he's giving his precious time to help the community. Oh, and don't ever tell Orin what he is and what he isn't.
4. As a part-time job, Orin's a professional fortune teller
He doesn't need an orb or a magic room because he's Orin. You won't ever have to worry about being financially unstable. Nope. Not when you're with him.
5. Orin is domesticated and doesn't believe that women belong in the kitchen.
If anyone empowers women, it's Orin. He has #HeForShe tattooed across his chest and he certainly has "no ragrets". A true feminist icon.
6. With all seriousness aside, Orin just wants to have fun.

Orin's just here to have a good time. He's the life of the party. He's one of us.
7. But like every great man, he has a weakness
I can't stand heights but Orin can't stand Chris Traeger and that is 100% okay. It just reminds me how human Orin is.
8. Regardless of what anyone says, Orin continues to be himself.
It's so important to find a man who's confident in his identity and sadly, it's a rarity to find someone who's like that.
Orin knows the way to any woman's heart and you're lying if you say you aren't captivated by him. If there's one person I miss from "Parks and Recreation," it is the man of my dreams, Orin.