I'd like to start this article by saying that it is perfectly okay to love to wear makeup all the time, some of the time, only for special occasions, or never. It is your choice to wear whatever style, brand, or amount of makeup you choose at any point, and at any time you please. You can walk out of the place you reside in however you choose, but make sure you look the way you want.
1. We aren't wearing it for you
Whether you're a guy, a friend, we are on the way to your wedding, or even if we are part of some strange girl's/guy's night ritual, we aren't putting on makeup for you. I do not spend time to make my face look flawless to head to some date or event that is special for someone else, I put makeup on because I like the way it makes me look. I can promise you that I don't put on makeup just because my boyfriend calls me pretty and if I wanted to take my prom pictures without my face made up, I would have. I made sure my face was all made up because I want to look back at all the pictures and selfies and realize that I liked at least one thing about my outfit, and for once, it was my face.
2. Even if I buy the quality stuff, it's okay that I don't wear it all the time
I have a bad habit of looking at Sephora's app and Ulta's website and falling in love with a bunch of different stuff. It isn't because I have a bunch of money to spend (hello... I'm in college), its because I have a long wishlist and an endless need to make a purchase that will later make me very happy when it arrives. I don't wear makeup everyday, and sometimes my makeup bad goes untouched for weeks at a time, but a lot of that is just because I don't have time (or energy at this point) to get up in the morning and make my face look like I wish it did.
3. "Why even try? You just have to wash it off at the end of the day."
I realize that I'm putting it on just to take it off at the end of the day, but that doesn't make me want to do it less. I am way more confident when I walk into a class and someone says 'wow' or 'you clean up nice' or 'you look nice today'. It makes me feel great to know that with my makeup done, people actually see me the way I want to be seen.
4. Sometimes I buy the more expensive product because I don't have a choice
Allergies and makeup do not go well together. Having an allergic reaction to blush or lipstick sucks, but having an allergic reaction to your eyeliner is a completely different story. I buy the kind of products I buy because I know what isn't going to cause hives or red blotches all over my face. It's a safety thing, and I don't regret having to spend four extra dollars for a bottle of primer or setting spray because of it.
5. I kind of love it when someone watches me put my makeup on
Be it my best friend, my boyfriend, a regular friend, a classroom full of people, my suite-mate, my grandmother, or even my niece in the future, I love it when people watch me do my makeup. Not only does it help me focus, but it also gives me someone to talk to and discuss my look with. Like "Hey, what do you think about this color? Okay, but what about this one?" Not only does this help with my self-esteem issues, it also assures me that I made a good choice with my colors.
6. I welcome critiques, as long as you aren't mean about it
A lighter spot here, a smudge there... Those are small mistakes, but a lot of people are really rude about it. Here's the thing: sometimes I don't see the spot where the problem is taking place or the tiny little microscopic smudge you seem to notice.
7. I love to do other people's makeup
Seriously though. My best friend is a great Barbie when I need her to be (and I her). It's simple though; I really love to sit and make someone change the way they look at themselves, or even teaching them something new like an eyeliner trick or an eyeshadow trick to make their eyes look brighter. Either way, it's a great way to bond with someone.
8. The "natural beauty" that makes you think I'm beautiful is actually one of the things I hate most about myself
I don't like my face. No lie. Sometimes it's okay, and other times I wish I looked different. My genetics did not play well into my face, and that is discouraging to me. I don't care for the way I look, and there's only so many things I can change about myself naturally.
Whether your fresh-faced or ready to cut someone with your awesome winged eyeliner, make today your day. You didn't get up and do your makeup for your boss or your classmates; you got up and did you makeup for you and I am proud of you for it.