I’ve started to realize, as I’ve grown older, that the Midwest has it all. No, I don’t mean all the corn or all the empty space. We have all the weather all the time, and with the worst and best of each season, we really experience it all. Sometimes it can be great and I feel proud, and then other times, I start packing my bags, ready to get the hell out. So I guess that means I have a true love-hate relationship with the Midwest, and here’s why.
1. Some days, it’s amazingly beautiful.
A couple days ago, I took a trip to Peoria from my small town and I took all back roads. The scenery was just gorgeous, and the weather was perfect. So I drove, jamming to music with my windows down, and it was really nice, with all the green flashing by as I went.
2. But tomorrow, it’s going to be 97 degrees with 72 percent humidity.
Literally, I just got a sunburn. Also, I’m not supposed to walk outside
and immediately be drenched and, wait, I’m sweating from where now? I didn’t know
I could sweat from there?! And don’t even get me started on all the bugs,
especially mosquitos.
3. Soon, though, it’ll be fall, and it’ll be gorgeous
.The leaves change color, pumpkin everything and OMG, Halloween is right around the corner. The Midwest is really what fall is all about, with crisp evenings and beautiful sights. Like this person, doing whatever it is they do.
4. But with fall comes winter, and we all know how that goes.
That's right. I wasn't ready for it to be cold, oddly warm, cold and then raining. It's like, one day, I can walk to class not wearing a coat. The next, I can’t look up because the cold wind stings my eyes, my nose is just gross and I tell my friends to go on without me, because I don’t think I’m going to make it.
5. Having a white Christmas is pretty dope, though.
Or whatever holiday you prefer! For me, though, it's Christmas.
I mean, that's not snow, but it's the same concept. All the lights up everywhere, hot chocolate and time with family really is the best. Sledding, snowball fights and snow men galore! Plus, when the snow is fluffy and compact, it’s actually really sparkly and pretty (just like me on the weekends, but that's for another story another time),
6. Then spring is supposed to come, but ugh, it takes forever.
SpongeBob understands my struggle. I hate the slush that the melting snow leaves with such a burning passion that I wish it could melt the snow itself. But alas, we’re stuck dealing with dirty, mushy gunk in the streets for a while. A single day fills you with hope, because it’s sunny and you swear you heard a bird chirp, but then it lets you down by being totally gray and gross again the next day.
7. When spring finally does come through, it's magnificent.
Just, you know, pretend he's holding Mother Nature (that's what I did). The flowers, the little wild life creatures that come back and make me feel like Snow White...it’s great! Colors are bright and fun, I’m not shivering anymore and I’m excited to go out and do things.
8. It’s all just a huge cycle of love and hate, really, but no matter what, it’s still my home.
Where you’re from in this country tends to help define who you are. They say to always remember where you came from, and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forget my countless struggles and fond memories growing up in the Midwest. It may be annoying, but it’s home.