8 Reasons Why 'Fuller House' is Actually Amazing | The Odyssey Online
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8 Reasons Why 'Fuller House' is Actually Amazing

"Fuller House" is back and it's actually amazing.

8 Reasons Why 'Fuller House' is Actually Amazing

Everyone is back (almost)

In the first episode we see all our favorite characters and Tanner family members back in the kitchen. It’s 28 years later, DJ is a newly widowed mother of three boys and a vet, Danny is moving to L.A. to host a national morning talk show with Becky, Jesse is going to work for a soap-opera and create their music, Joey is a comedian hosting nightly shows in Las Vegas, Nicky and Alex are in college, Kimmy is a party planner, mother of a teenager and recently separated and no one is quite sure what Stephanie does. She’s a part time DJ, singer, traveler and “spinster aunt.” Michelle is out of the picture but the cast notes she is living in New York City as a fashion designer. Unlike TV these days, we still get the same laugh tracks, catch phrases and happy endings in each episode and we uniquely get to see the cast make fun of themselves for reviving the show. The cast notes that Michelle is “too busy” as a fashion designer in NYC and we witness some great shade thrown towards her when the casts looks into the camera.

It’s still cheesy as ever

TV shows these days don’t have laugh tracks, catch phrases and happy endings like they used to. Sitcoms now belong on the Disney channel and are for kids. But finally, we see a revival of the family sitcom. Story lines that focus on morals, family and happy endings. Jokes for kids and the parents too.

Get the tissues!

While many "Full House" viewers were too young to get emotional, like myself, and pay attention to the heart wrenching moments on the show, we finally get to see that now. DJ is recently widowed and we get to witness the transition her adorable kids and family go through. Flashbacks to the original show don’t help either. You are for sure meant to well up at some of the sweet and sad moments.

Nothing has changed

The house is still the exact same, everyone almost looks like they haven’t aged, the story line is basically the same and each episode resembles an original one. While this may seem “unoriginal,” it is what actually makes the show great. Original viewers now see these story lines as adults and it’s somewhat comforting to know our favorite family is still here.

It’s on Netflix!

We get to binge-watch as many episodes as we want and we also get to see another side of filming that isn’t often displayed in regular TV. The cast members make jokes about coming back to the show, disses to the Olsen twins, and subtle jokes about the original show. We get to hear some jokes only decrypted by parents that normally wouldn’t make it on a regular channel about sex, masturbation and drinking. It’s weird, but it would be weirder if the show was actually trying to make a comeback on a regular channel.

Reliving childhood

It wasn’t until I watched all 13 episodes of "Fuller House" that I realized how much "Full House" I watched. I have memories of waking up around 6:30 waiting for "Family Matters" to end and "Full House" to come on Nick at Nite every morning. However, I remember every flashback and reference the cast makes to the original show. Uncle Jesse was everyone’s first crush and “everyone’s Uncle” as he jokes on the show. The characters are still weirdly relatable, and Danny’s dad jokes still make you laugh.

TV needed this

TV shows these days doesn’t have laugh tracks, wholesome story lines and catch phrases. This kind of TV defines pre-2000s media. Nowadays, TV can show soft-core porn, doesn’t have to end nicely and often is tried to portrayed as realistic and relevant as possible. However, on Fuller House, we still see those goofy and unrealistic events, such as Stephanie preforming at Coachella and Kimmy throwing A-list 13-year-old birthday parties. As good and palm-sweating as "Grey’s Anatomy" is and "How to Get Away with Murder," it’s refreshing to have a show that is literally for the whole family.

There’s more to come

We’ve known this cast since 1987 and we know how much they actually love each other in real life. The girls are real life best friends along with our three favorite “dads.” They go to each other’s parities, weddings and support each other’s work. So with a loving cast and a network like Netflix we know there’s more to come. So as weird and unusual this show may seem today, we are still as much as in love with it as we were when we were little.

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