If you've been to college, you've no doubt heard your fair share of study abroad propaganda. In those nerve-wracking first few weeks of freshman year, study abroad was a faithful small talk conversation topic. Some colleges even use their prestigious study abroad programs as a major selling point for their whole school. However, although most students at some point seem committed to taking the plunge, only about 1.5% of students actually made it abroad during the 2014-2015 academic year. Including it being an absolute blast, here are eight reasons why everyone should study abroad:
1. It could add to your resumé.
You can spend all semester drinking wine, exploring castles, meeting people from all over the world AND you can get real-world credit for it! Sign me up! (seriously please let me go back)
2. It's more affordable than some people realize.
Some schools even offer special programs in which the semester abroad is the same price as any other semester, financial aid and scholarships included! Plus, while a trip planned through a third party could get pricey, some exchange programs are even cheaper than a semester at home. They require a bit more planning on the student's part, but will be just as much fun! (and educational, of course)
3. You can meet people from all over the world!
We may not be as lucky as Lena from "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants," but we can dream, right? It's an awesome experience to develop friendships with people who live on the other side of the world; it gives you a unique, authentic understanding of different cultures and opinions shaping the world. Go - Kostas is waiting for you!
4. Gelato.
I don't know why this isn't number one, honestly. Although the best is undeniably found in Italy, there are a ton of other countries that also serve this wonderful creation, or have their own iconic dessert you can blissfully gain 10 pounds from eating all semester.
5. Traveling even MORE!!!
6. It forces you out of your comfort zone.
7. You get to feel like a local.
It really is the little things that characterize a study abroad experience, giving it heart and a sense of belonging and accomplishment. It's the little things like doing your own grocery shopping or getting to know your neighbors who don't speak a word of English. It's figuring out the bus system or becoming a regular at your favorite café overlooking the countryside. Plus, when your parents come to visit, you can show off and show them the ropes of an international lifestyle.
Whether it's club hopping until 5 am in Spain, window shopping down the Champs-Élysées, or sailing through the Greek islands for the weekend, studying abroad holds endless once-in-a-lifetime opportunities and promises of unforgettable memories. It's the best adventure I've ever been on. It could be yours, too.