1. He is your pseudo-boyfriend.
With a guy best friend, you have all the benefits of a boyfriend without any of the headache. Movie date? He's on it! Dinner date? He can take you! You never have to feel like you have to do anything or go anywhere alone.
2. He is always there when you need him.
There is never a time when you feel like no one has your back because you're guy best friend is always there. He is a great listener and whatever pep talk he gives you came straight from the heart! He will do whatever it takes to make sure you're happy!
3. He has cute friends.
You guys may act like boyfriend and girlfriend sometimes but let's face it you are still S I N G L E! Being best friends mean you are going to be around his other friends and who doesn't want to see cute eye candy from time to time?
4. His parents love you to pieces.
Every other girl he brings home is never going to compare to how they feel about you. They will constantly compare her to you and while this may be a bad thing on her end you will always hold a special place in their hearts.
5. You can be yourself around him.
Being around boys sometimes requires you to remember to "act like a lady". You will never have to worry about how you act in front of him. He has seen you at your absolute worse (especially while you were contouring your face) and he honestly doesn't care.
6. You get the male perspective on things.
He may not want to hear about the guy that just recently broke your heart but he will tell you what he might have been thinking. You have a direct link to the male brain at all times which can seem a little scary but it will help you understand why they do the things they do!
7. An argument will not end your friendship.
Let's face it, when girls get mad they get nasty! One argument with a girl may end your friendship forever. He is not going to let that happen, he values your relationship and will not let something trivial end it. Granted you will get into disagreements but you will never have to worry if that argument will be your last!
8. He loves you, flaws and all.
We spend our entire lives trying to impress people. Covering up our flaws can be tiring but he will love you no matter what. He doesn't care if you think one eyebrow is bigger than the other or if you hate the way you talk because people think you sound five years old. He loves you despite what you think about yourself and works hard to prove you that you are amazing. Nothing can get better than that!
Dedicated to my best friend!