It's hard for me to find someone who doesn't love a good, old-fashioned road trip with their buds. Whether it's been with family or friends, almost everyone in the U.S. has taken a trip somewhere. Sure, flying is fast and efficient, but nothing compares to an actual trip on the highway. Here are some of the greatest aspects of a road trip from my own experiences!
1. The stops along the way
Finding hole-in-the-wall restaurants that are either great or horrible, gas stations with bars on the windows (that sell two years out of date candy) and finding out there's a McDonald's off of nearly every exit. All of these lead up to bountiful memories, and sometimes, upset stomachs!
2. The selfies
Seriously, with Snapchat filters for almost all major cities, it's so fun to show off what towns you're driving through along the way. Also, if you're from Arkansas like I am, it's not every day you run across highly sophisticated marinas.
3. The food
This is different than the earlier mentioned stops -- these are the down-home, tried and true meals you wait for. Whether it's the perfectly steamed Royal Reds right out of the Gulf of Mexico, or the Chicago style pizza you've been dreaming of your whole life, these are the meals that make the whole trip worth it.
4. The people
Depending on when you go on your road trip, the people watching can be the best part. For instance, if you take a beach trip in the middle of December, you and your girls may be the only ones under 65 years old. However, if you're going during the hot, summer months, you'll be sure to find lots of eye candy to stare at.
5. The bragging rights
When you get back from the trip, you'll have the ultimate bragging rights. Not everyone took a road trip to the Rockies, or a spontaneous adventure to Washington DC. When you get back to campus, your trip will totally be the newest buzz.
6. The T-shirts
You can never go wrong with a tacky tourist T-shirt. They are always on sale, and they make the perfect pajamas in the dorms.
7. The shopping
Listen, Tanger Outlet Malls are not on every corner; so, if you happen to travel to an area with one, you soak it in and dedicate the entire day to spending money. Seriously, you can only say "Oh, I bought this dress while in New York!" so many times.
8. The memories
You will seriously make so many memories. Good and bad! The time you got your first henna tattoo, or maybe the time you got your first real tattoo could totally be while on a road trip. Maybe some guy with good hair will write his number in the sand, and you'll end up playing Ultimate Frisbee for an hour with his little brother. Maybe, just maybe, you'll have the best New Year's Eve ever because you meet some boy named Troy who sings karaoke with you...
All in all, college may be the last chance you have to spend time with your friends without having to worry about kids, husbands, or real-life jobs. Go ahead, take advantage of your time while you're young. You won't be (or look) 19 years old forever!