"Why don't you just date a man? She's basically the same thing."
At first, I felt angry. I felt hurt. I felt insulted. and more than anything, this made me feel invalidated in my identity as a Lesbian. Was I less gay because my girlfriend wears mens clothes? Do people not take me seriously as a lesbian? Should I wear mens clothes?
This situation happens every day, and many times in the life of a lesbian... especially if she dates butch women. Here's the down and dirty on this situation, and why I prefer butch women.
1. The Chesticles
Yep. Boobs. Knockers. Tits. They still exist, even on a butch women. The better part is when she is taking off her tight sports bra and you know it's just for you. It's honestly just really sweet and leaves for a feeling of intimacy and trust.
2. Her Heart
She may be quiet and reserved, and she may look tough, and she may goof off sometimes, but her heart underneath that masculine demeanor is cute as a button and her soul is beautiful. She may come across as hard, mostly because of her wardrobe or physical appearance, but she will love you and hold you with everything she's got.
3. She makes me feel safe
Her strong arms and her protective and comforting demeanor makes me feel safe from the world. When she holds me, I feel like nothing in the world could touch me, because she is there and could protect me(Also, by the way, she can pick my big ass up, and that is impressive within its own right).
4. Emotional Intimacy
With me, she opens up about her innermost desires and problems. She talks me through things. She may be goofy around other people, but when it's time to be serious and talk about feelings, she's all about it. I am never shamed for having emotions, I am never invalidated. Mostly this is because she wants to talk about things too; she wants to talk about our feelings when there are problems.
5. She is STILL a Woman
And I'm not just talking about her body. As long as she identifies as a woman, she is still a woman. She still has a feminine soul, and she has that soft touch of a woman's hands. Her hair is so soft, and her heart is so warm and she is very nurturing and loving. She just has the feminine touch that you perhaps can't find in someone of another gender.
6. The Vagina.
Ahhh. Old faithful. The reason we are gathered here today. Yeah. Believe it or not, she still has one. And maybe some other time, I will write an article about how "vagina" is a totally acceptable word to use and not a curse word. Anyhow, the vagina, after all, is what I am sexually attracted to. All the rest is emotional attraction, which, by the way, also happens to be towards women for me. Go figure (not to say I wouldn't date a trans woman. My current girlfriend just happens to be my cup of tea).
7. I Still Get The "Boyfriend Hoodie" Experience
Yep. Shes still bigger than me, and even if she wasn't, mens' sizes run larger. She wears pretty pricey mens cologne and her hoodie always smells like her. I wear her clothes often. I can wear her shirt as a dress. I'm not missing out on that part of "manhood" because I have a woman who doesn't smell like diesel fuel, cigars, and axe. It's honestly really nice.
8. She's My Girl
At the end of the day, she's the one I go to bed with. She is the one I wake up to. She's the one who holds me when I have panic attacks. My family loves her. She's a blessing. Her smile is contagious. Sometimes when we go to restaurants, she sweeps the crumbs and straw wrappers into her hands and tosses them when we're done eating and looks at me like its the biggest secret. She has this terrible habit of standing outside the car after closing the door and staring until the interior light goes out, just to make sure the battery doesn't die. She pumps my gas for me. She opens doors for me. She doesn't have to do any of that, and I don't expect her to. She does it because she genuinely has a huge heart, and I'm in love with her. Why would I leave her for a man because it's the "same thing?" It clearly isn't. A man wouldn't be her. All I want is her.
Bottom line: My girlfriend is not a man. She is a woman, and she is human. Cut the lesbians some slack and let us be gay in our birkenstocks and flannel. The world doesn't revolve around men and what they want.
And all I want is her.
8 Reasons My Butch Girlfriend Is Not The Same Thing As Dating A Man
Well, first of all she's a chick.

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11 College Misconceptions Every Incoming Freshman Needs To Know
Think of everything that you've heard about college... and completely forget it.
College is a crazy, beautiful, amazing whirlwind. It is highly popularized in television and movies, but not necessarily in the most accurate way. Yes, there's frats, dingy dorms, raging house parties—but there's also a lot that people fail to mention.
1. If you thought that you knew how to study, you're wrong.
All of your classes aren't taught every day, so professors aren't on your case constantly about reading and memorizing material. Once you get back that "questionable" first exam grade, you'll kick it into high gear and figure out what works for you
2. So you're living with a stranger...
Figuring out how to live with your new roomie is a task in itself. From arranging your room and learning about each other's habits, to scheduling important me-time, it can be stressful. Understanding how to give-and-take can help establish a peaceful living situation.
3. You will lose some of your high school friends.
Frankly, it sucks. Outgrowing people and drifting apart is a part of life. It's especially hard when friends are hours away and conflicting schedules get in the way of communication.
4. New friends are amazing!
So many cultures and backgrounds mesh together at college. You learn about each other, grow together, and create life-long memories. Bonding over pizza at 3 a.m. is one of the best ways to do it, to be honest.
5. You will feel like a visitor at home.
Coming home for the first time is an odd experience. Questions like, "So what's new?" and "How are you?" seem to be un-answerable because the world around you feels so foreign. You've grown and experienced so much while the people at home seem to have stayed the same.
6. Embrace the party scene... or not.
Some people go out every night and some people don't go out at all. House parties are happening all the time and bars are open every day. Does it mean that you should go out and get trashed every night? That's up to you. There's also a lot of non-alcohol related clubs and campus activities in session, so check that out if you're not feeling like nursing that morning hangover.
7. FOMO is very real and you will feel every bit of it.
You've got three hours of homework left? But there's house parties, an off-campus dinner date, sporting events, two club meetings... The pressure to do everything humanely possible is way more prominent than it ever was in high school.
8. A good-night's sleep? What is that?
Say goodbye to sweet dreams and hello to Red Bull and daily naps! Thanks to noisy roommates and neighbors, paper thin walls, and no self-control when it comes to Netflix, you can kiss away those Z's.
9. The "Freshman 15" is a myth... Sort of.
Some people gain 15 pounds, some people lose 15 pounds, and some people stay the same. Crazy schedules, countless dining hall options, and having a fitness facility at your fingertips can influence your decisions— for better or for worse.
10. There's nothing better than a fresh start.
You will realize the parts of yourself you never knew and you will lose the parts of yourself holding you back. Here at college, it doesn't matter where you came from in high school or what you did in your past; it matters if you're a good person and the things you do from this point forward to better the world around you.
11. Yes, it will be the best years of your life!
Here's to the next four-plus years!
Your mom: you can't live with her, but you can't live without her. You love your mom, but she is insanely predictable. Here is a list of things your mom has probably done.
1. Leaves you voice mails.
Then they will text you to tell you they left you a voicemail.
2. When you answer, the phone says, "Hey it's Mom!", even though you have caller ID.
3. Tells you things about your friends she found out on Facebook.
"Did you know Gretta is engaged!?"
4. Fast-forwards through sex scenes.
This is the most awkward thing any human will have to experience.
5. Asks you what really provocative song lyrics mean.
"What does she mean, she loves herself?" "I don't know mom!"
6. Comments on everything you post online.
Do you just snoop on my profile all day?
7. Asks you if you are seeing anyone.
Nothing will make you feel more single then having to tell your mother you're single.
8. Tells you what she had for dinner when you aren't home.
9. Asks you the same question over and over.
That I've answered a thousand times already.
10. Tells you you need a haircut.
My hair is fine!
11. Tells you you need to start eating more.
"You look so skinny! Have you been eating?"
12. Snoops on your life.
13. Wakes you up in the morning in that annoying calm voice.
A million times.
14. Tells you she's proud of you about everything.
"You are so talented."
15. Uses lingo in the dorkiest way.
That's on fleek!
16. Asks you to vote for her favorite contestants on 'American Idol,' 'Dancing with the Stars,' or 'The Voice.'
My mom likes Kat on The Voice more than me.
17. Makes a ridiculous amount of snacks when your friends come over.
Moms make the greatest hostesses.
18. Loves you unconditionally.
No matter what, your mom is always there for you. She's your shoulder to cry on and the only person you want to talk to when you need to calm down.
9 Things Only Girls With Bleached Hair Will Understand
Blonde hair, don't care!
I've been a bleach blonde for over a year now, and let me tell you, it is a lifestyle. More hair appointments, longer showers, and special shampoo. But it is totally worth it!
1. Mentally preparing yourself to convince your hair dresser that white is the way to go.
2. Or the anxiety of what could go wrong by bleaching your hair at home.
3. You could either become a ginger
4. Or a pixie
5. The face you make in the mirror when you take off your towel to unveil the perfect white strands.
6. Taking a million selfies the day you bleached it, because you know your roots will be back in literally 2 days.
7. Having to get bangs or a big chop because your hair is so damaged.
8. Having orange highlights in between touch-ups.
9. Going out for a drink afterwards to debut your updated look.
Despite the struggles, you love your platinum blonde hair! You make sure Instagram knows it, too. You don't need a filter, because the color is flawless by itself!
Finals: just thinking about them gives you anxiety. Only two weeks separate you from summer, but they're the longest of the semester. There's a familiarity to this season, now that you have had so many testing cycles under your belt. But that doesn't quell the ever present stress to pass your finals and your classes. Even better, as a package deal during these wonderful weeks, you get to wake up early to study and you get to take exams that can begin anytime from 7 A.M. to 7 P.M. Now that we have established that this week is not fun, here are some super relatable moments that punctuate finals week.
1. The amount of caffeine you've consumed these two weeks.
Those late-night study sessions can't happen when you're asleep, so you try to down as much of this liquid energy as possible. Sleep is for the weak.
2. Trying to keep yourself from being distracted by your phone.
You're so determined because finals are nearing...
... but then you get sad that you don't have your phone, so you find new ways to distract yourself.
3. The feeling you get before you take a test.
No matter how much you study for a test and no matter how prepared for a test you feel, there is always a feeling of anxiety before you take that test.
4. Your face when the first question is something you didn't study for.
We've all had that one demoralizing moment when the first question on a test is something we didn't study for. You then question why you studied in the first place.
5. The feeling you get when you've finished your first final.
After that killer first question, you realize that studying actually was very helpful. You breeze through the rest of that test...
...and walk out feeling victorious.
6. When you get out of an 8 A.M. final and finally get to eat food.
Let's be honest, waking up to eat at 7 A.M. before your 8 A.M. final sound absolutely terrible. Especially if you're me and you went to sleep at 3 A.M. That glorious moment when you get out of a final and run to the nearest dining hall and stuff your face with food is pretty rewarding.
7. When you have to study for the rest of your finals.
You thought that first one sucked, but then you have like eleventy-two more and you start crying.
8. When you realize that you know none of the material.
You realize that you should have taken better notes because you basically have to relearn all of the material.
9. When someone else is finished with all of their exams and rubs it in your face.
We all have that one friend that brags about finishing their finals early. If you don't have that friend it may be you...
10. When you're done with all of your exams.
Nothing feels more amazing than being done with your exams for the testing season. Now it's finally summertime and you have never been more ready for it. No matter how much this period of time sucks, you'll get through it! It may seem super daunting, but the feeling you have when you walk out of that last final will be absolutely worth it. So as you are burning the midnight oil away (because those A's won't get themselves), just know that summer will be all the sweeter after you finish these finals.
10 Little White Lies You Tell Your Parents In College
"Uh? Eating? Am I Eating? Yeah..."
I've been at this college thing for almost three and a half years, and while I thought that high school was truly the lowest point of my existence, I'm beginning to realize that it was a walk in the park. Like, I miss the days when the biggest white lie I told my parents was my made up excuse about being late for fourth period. These days, the white lies are a tad more complex, and as ashamed as I am to admit it, I've definitely told a few of these.
"Oh, yeah. I've been eating super healthy"
Said as you're heating up a "Cup O' Noodles" in your dorm-room microwave. Does anyone have any Tobasco sauce? And let's not even mention that love affair with the ice cream machine in the dining hall.
"Sorry, I can't talk! I'm studying!"
*Turns up volume on whatever Netflix series I happen to be bingeing on..*
"I aced my final! No worries!"
I usually run crying to my bedroom due to complete anxiety after I tell this one..
"My grades? Uh..my professor hasn't updated them in awhile.."
This one worked flawlessly for me in high school, and still gets me out of any grade-related conversation.
"Everyone failed that test. Not just me!"
I don't even know if that's a little bit true, but at least it makes me feel slightly better.
"I go to class literally every day. I'm NEVER late"
I mean, those high school habits sure do die hard...
"I really try to just spend money on necessities.."
Said as I'm two carts deep in random sh*t that I found at Target...
"No, I didn't call just to ask for money.."
Help me, I'm poor.
"I'm feeling really motivated about the coming semester.."
No actual motivation to speak of.
"I'm really right on track to graduate"
Telling them that I'm actually a semester behind is really just better for their sanity.