So as most of you have probably already heard by now, the other day at Bernie Sanders' rally in Portland, Oregon attendees were graced with a special guest appearance by this little guy right here (Sen. Birdie Sanders (I -VT)), After listening to him speak from the podium about various important issues as well as his own platform, here are 8 ways we know that Birdie Sanders is a shoe-in for the Democratic nomination:
1. He's been tweeting about the real issues since the very beginning
There's nothing more appealing than an honest politician. Sen. Birdie Sanders has been consistent on the issues that really matter since day 1.
2. We've seen that when paired against Donald Trump, Birdie wins every time by a wide margin.
One thing that most Republicans and Democrats alike can agree on is that we need to do what we can to stop Trump from taking the office. Well we've already seen how well he's fared against birds in the past.
3. He's not a corporate parrot like his opponent
Sen. Birdie is the common birds' candidate; he's passionate because he knows what issues are important to him and to the American people.
4. He's a strong candidate
I mean just look at this guy; he's practically ripped. Don't expect this guy to waver from media choke-outs and pressure from corporations.
5. He's the only one who can appeal to the most niche demographic in the US
Birdie Sanders is the only candidate out there with an understanding of how angry the bird demographic is with the current state of affairs within the country.
6. He believes in climate change
Sen. Birdie is a strong supporter of issues on climate change because he's seen first hand how it's affected the people closest to him.
7. He believes in family values
Birdie Sanders is a family bird through and through. Here we see him providing for his children in his modest home.
8. Despite everything, he still displays a decent amount of respect and civility towards his opponent.
(Birdie and First Lady Clinton, '93)
Despite disagreeing on many key issues and undergoing a fair amount of media tension, Sen. Birdie and Secretary Clinton still make it a point to remain cordial and professional with each other, especially in public.
The people know that Birdie Sanders is the obvious choice to be the democratic nominee because he's been chirping about the same stuff for years. It's going to be a historical election indeed this Fall, and it look's like Birdie is set to win it all -- now he just needs to find a flying mate.