Many people have a favorite month of the year. A ton of common answers are December because of Christmas (duh), any of the summer months because that's prime vacation time, or the month of that person's birthday, because apparently, people celebrate their birth months. The month that I loathe the most out of the 12 to choose from is April. Unless you were born in April and like to celebrate all month long, April is probably not one of your favorite months either. Here are eight reasons why April is the worst.
1. The inconsistent weather.
The weather in April is beyond annoying. One minute it's beautiful outside, 75 degrees and sunny, while the next day is 30 degrees and freezing. Come on April, make up your mind. We need to know if we can dage or should just continue to have movie marathons.
2. All the rain.
OK, I know rain is definitely weather too, but the rain in April needs its own reason. I know the saying "April showers brings May flowers" is cute and all, but the rain is super irksome. Who wants dark, gloomy, rainy weather for a month straight? Not me.
3. April fashion is confusing.
Because of the crazy weather, I never know what to wear in April. It's cold in the morning, hot in the afternoon, and cold at night. How am I supposed to dress myself for the day? Do I dress to keep warm and be hot, or do I dress cool and be freezing? And what if it rains? It's just confusing.
4. It's the longest month EVER.
Technically, April has 30 days, but in my mind there's like, 3,000. April seems like a never-ending month. There are no breaks from school or work unless Easter is late in the season. It just seems like April is a dull and very routine-heavy month that just drags out for too long.
5. Everything is due.
April is the month in college where you're literally drowning in work. I'm convinced that all professors get together and decide that April is the month that every piece of work they've ever assigned is due. It's super stressful and overwhelming.
6. Finals are coming.
In addition to the overflow of projects, papers and other assignments, April is the sign that final exams are coming. Finals week is the equivalent to a real life Hunger Games, so that speaks for itself.
7. April is still too far away from summer.
Everyone knows the official start of summer isn't until June. Even though college gets out mid-May, it does not feel like summer until June. April is just a reminder that summer is still two long months away.
8. May is right after April.
May is probably my second least favorite month. Basically it's a warmer, less rainy version of April. There is still some school left in May, and the month drags on, maybe more so than April. The only thing that makes me like May more than April is Memorial Day Weekend.