1. Finishing your last final
You can feel the stress be lifted off your shoulders as you hand in your final Blue Book or Scan Tron sheet. The feeling of not ever having to open another textbook for that class is by far the best feeling you can get.
2. Entering your house for the first time since August
The familiar smells, sounds, and sights are all beyond refreshing. You can't wait to spend some good, quality time with your family over the holiday season. Not to mention the warmest welcome you get from your dog as you walk in the door.
3. Loving all the home-cooked meals
You learn to really appreciate Mom's casserole after having eating soggy cafeteria food and Ramen Cups for the last month or so. It's almost as if you forgot what good food tasted like.
4. Seeing all your high school friends
That moment of reunion is amazing! Even though you have so many stories to tell that don't include them and vice versa, you don't mind. It's like no time has passed since you parted ways a few months ago.
5. You miss your college friends

After telling your hometown bestie stories about your college bestie, all you want is your two worlds to collide so that you can have all the people you love most in the same room. FaceTime calls are made, multiple Snapchats are taken, and many texts messages are sent out all saying something along the lines of, "I miss you."
6. Complete and utter boredom
After a while, the excitement of coming home and seeing the same 3 friends over break gets old. Going to work every other day becomes a hassle and having the same "How's college?!" conversation with every single relative and friend that you bump into gets annoying... to say the least.
7. Anxiousness to get back to school
After being bored and annoyed with your hometown, you get super excited to move back into the dorms, see your roomie, and get back to hitting the books that come with a new semester's schedule.
8. Wanting to go back home once classes resume
But after a week of classes, you're already ready for Spring Break.