How often does someone do something that makes your whole day? Kindness is something that should be practiced daily. It will not only make someone else's day better, but it will also improve your own day.
There is nothing greater than seeing someone shine and smile because of something you did for them.
Here are 7 ways to practice kindness in your every day life.
1. Give at least 3 compliments a day.
Make the compliments genuine and true about the person being complimented. If done right, a compliment can have the same positive effect as receiving cash.
2. Write the people in your life a letter telling them all that you love and appreciate them.
Personally, whenever I do this I choose to make it anonymous. Make each letter unique to the person you are writing to and include specific examples.
3. Be a listening ear.
Sometimes the kindest thing you could do for someone is listening. Ask about their day, listen to their problems, and offer solutions if asked for. Follow up later that day.
The important thing is that you don't talk about yourself for those few minutes, remember that everyone is going through something and telling them how their problems compare to yours will not help them feel better.
4. Bake and deliver treats to strangers or to friends who may enjoy a mid-day pick me up.
Who doesn't love sweets, especially when they don't have to pay for it. This act could simply give a person a reason to smile. Bake a cake and bring it to work or bake brownies and hand them out to people on the street.
5. Pay for someone in the drive through behind you.
Sometimes it is the little things like not having to pay for your Starbucks latte in the morning that really make your day much better. If you want to really start someone's day with a smile, pay for their order.
6. Have a conversation and leave a little bit of money with a person who is homeless.
All to many of the times, we rush past and ignore those that many benefit from the extra change in our pocket. Try stopping a few times a month. If you have no money, engage in a conversation.
I once had a man who was homeless told me that he has serious depression and his medicine is pure conversation with individuals. Be the light in someone's day. People who are homeless are in a rough situation and remember that it could happen to any of us. Perhaps you could buy them food or a drink if there is a store close by.
7. Put positive body image sticky notes on mirrors and walls of the bathroom.
Make someone's day a little better by giving them someone thing to smile about and to think about. Spread positive energy and encourage self-love during the day.
8. Write a note for yourself- you deserve kindness too.
You are a great individual and deserve to remember that. It is important to love and be kind to yourself before you can truly be kind to others.