Retail work can be hell. Scratch that: often times it is hell.
There are questions I think everyone in retail has been asked at least once and overtime the answer is the same no matter who asks it.
1. "Excuse me, do you work here?"
Oh no. I just enjoy wearing red shirts and khaki pants to the store. Oh, and I like wearing my name on my chest as well.
2. "How much is this?"
Ah yes, please hand the item to me so I can check the price tag...
Now granted many times the item doesn't have a price listed. Honestly though, that doesn't happen as often as you would think.
3. "Can't you give me a discount?" *insert flirtatious wink and smile*
Excuse me Sir and/or Ma'am, please stop flirting with me. No matter how attractive I think you are I cannot give you a discount nor do I want to.
4. "Do you have this in any colors or styles?"
They ask you this while looking at the sign directly above the product that says "Find more colors and styles on our website." I mean come on, Really?
5. "What kind of sales will you be having next week? Next month?"
I barely know the sales for this week. What makes you think I now them for the next? Also what makes you think my bosses trust me with knowing the sales ahead of time?
6. "May I speak to the manager?"
This comes after you give them an answer to a question that they didn't like. Then your manager comes and gives them the same answer you gave them and they are automatically satisfied and you are just sitting there questioning why you do this.
Then you remember you need the money.
7. "Can you please grab this, and this, and this, and that for me?"
Do I look like your personal shopper? Granted I would be more than happy to get you an item or two or to help you find something. Please, do not give me your entire list.
8. "I'm taking my money elsewhere."
This really isn't a question but its something customers always say when trying to make you feel bad for something you probably did right but they don't approve of.
All you want to do in this instance is shout "Boy bye!" in classic Beyoncé form.
In short retail work kind of sucks, but we need money and that's why we do it in the end.