8 Proven Tips For Weight-Loss | The Odyssey Online
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8 Proven Tips For Weight-Loss

I'm doing it, and so can you

8 Proven Tips For Weight-Loss
Jeffery Webb

Over the last year, I've lost 60lbs, and I am still on my weight-loss journey. I have 20-30lbs left to lose, and so far I'm loving my progress! It's been a difficult process, but it's been well worth the effort. These are some of the tips I've found helpful, and hopefully you will too.

1. Walk More

One of the absolute best things you can do to when starting out is simply to walk more. Start off by parking further away at the grocery store, or any other store you go to. Choose the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator. These are a couple of the simplest ways to add just a little more exercise to your daily tasks.

Or even just go for a walk! Walks can serve dual purposes; invite a friend and a walk becomes quality time. If you're stressed out while trying to finish a task, a walk can help you clear your head and energize yourself. Even if you have somewhere you need to go, choose to walk rather than drive, so long as you feel comfortable doing so.

2. Eat Less & Eat Better

Don't diet! If your goal is to lose weight and keep it off, a change in diet should not be a short-term decision, it should be a lifestyle choice. Many of the diets out there will help you lose weight, but as soon as you start eating off-diet healthy foods, you may gain it all, or more, back. With that said, it's totally fine to use diet and weight-loss cookbooks to find healthy meals you enjoy, but don't force yourself into a strict diet you hate. Experiment with food, flavors, spices, and recipes, you may find you like something you never expected to!

Another tip for eating less is portion control; while I do not recommend counting calories, as it can be very stressful, I do recommend checking that calorie count on the chicken fettuccine alfredo you love. It's okay to have it once in a while, but be mindful. One thing that can help in this area is eating off of smaller plates. You can only fit so much food on one plate, so limit yourself, and don't go for seconds.

Finally, drink water! Don't over-drink, but definitely try to get at least 3 glasses of water per day. My boyfriend carries around a giant bottle of water throughout the day to keep him hydrated. Have a glass when you wake up, during or after your workout, and with dinner, and you're set!

3. Incorporate Cardio

Cardio is immensely important for weight-loss. Whether you hit the gym with a friend or run a couple miles by yourself, getting out and getting moving will benefit you in the long run. I myself chose CrossFit as my cardio-intensive exercise, the reasons for which you can find here.

Some people, like my dad, prefer to workout alone, and can push themselves to work hard. Others, myself included, prefer to have a friend to workout with as a sort of buddy system. Whatever way you decide to exercise, the important thing is that you sweat. Keeping your heart rate up and your body moving will ensure fat loss.

4. Don't Overthink It

Had a cookie or twelve for breakfast this morning and now you're regretting it? I get it! It happens to the best of us. Don't let a small slip-up completely derail your weight-loss goal! Get right back on track by moving a little extra that day and get back to healthy eating for lunch and dinner.

As for the gym, try not to overwork yourself. If you're new getting into working out, it can easily put a lot of stress on muscles that may not have worked that much in a while. That's okay! It's perfectly understandable if you skip a day at the gym because you're sore. Just go for a walk, stretch out those muscles a bit, and be prepared to work the next day.

5. Find a Support System

Family and friends can help you to reach your goals. Whether it's a running/gym partner or a friend who will help you meal prep, finding people who want to see you succeed will make a huge difference in reaching your goals. It doesn't matter if this support comes from people you see daily or online friends you speak with regularly, any support is good support.

And even if you don't have or want support:

6. Set A Goal

Your clear-cut goal is to lose weight, of course, but how much weight? My current goal is 150lbs, but I also have a couple of complementary goals as well. I want to get down to a size 32 in bras. I want to be able to wear a size 10 in jeans. I also want to be able to do strict pull-ups and standard pushups at the gym.

Your goals don't have to be entirely goal-oriented, they can be anything. Weaning yourself off daily soda is an impressive feat. Finally learning how to do double unders at the gym is one of the goals I recently accomplished. Losing 3 inches around your waist, building your biceps, or being able to run a mile without stopping: whatever your goals may be, keep them close and keep working at them. These goals may change as you discover what your body can and cannot do, and that's okay! Just set a new goal and smash it!

7. Take Measurements Regularly

You're trying to lose weight, so you might want to check every once in a while to see how close you are to reaching your goal. It doesn't matter exactly when you weigh yourself, but it is important to do so regularly and preferably at the same time of day on each occasion. Another set of measurements you'll want to take are inches lost/gained. Measure around your bust, waist, hips, and each arm and leg, and keep a record of your initial and progression of measurements. Even if your weight isn't going down, you may still be shedding fat, but gaining muscle. These measurements will help you see that you're still doing well.

Most importantly, you should be checking your happiness. This isn't exactly measurable, but if your lifestyle change isn't making you happy, you may need to change things up and find a better way. Weight-loss isn't just about getting healthier physically, it's about feeling happier with yourself. So make sure you're taking some time to enjoy your progress!

8. Find a Rhythm

Whether you meal prep on Sunday and workout four times a week, or you don't meal prep at all and walk every day, find a rhythm that works for you. You're a busy person who has many things to juggle in your daily life, and your weight-loss routine should fit into that schedule, rather than conflicting with it. This may not be easy, and it will probably take some trial-and-error, but you'll find your way, and you will smash the sh*t out of it!

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