I don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions. If you want to see change in your life, why do you need to wait for the beginning of a new year?
However, with the start of my final semester of undergrad coinciding with the start of 2018, I figured now is the best time to make a few promises to myself.
1. I’ll stop waiting for texts that will never come
You know how it goes. You make plans earlier that night and are waiting for confirmation that they’re still planning on coming or are on their way over. They get your hopes up either to eventually ghost you or drunkenly call and wake you at 3 AM. Either way, no boy is worth the lack of sleep anymore.
2. I’ll be wearier about what he says and how he says it
F*ckboys know a thing or two about sweet talking and ambiguity. No matter your level of expertise when it comes to dealing with these types of guys, we all fall victim to their initial charm. Be careful, and realize when he’s playing you so you can call him on his bullsh*t.
3. I’ll gain the courage to go out on dates rather than give excuses to avoid them
Now just because they take you out on a date doesn’t mean they’re not still f*ckboys; trust me. However, if he’s willing to put in the effort to get to know you mentally and emotionally rather than just physically, there’s a chance he’s at least somewhat decent.
4. I won’t annoy my friends about my f*ckboy problems when I put myself in those situations
Shout out to everyone who’s had to listen to my ridiculously dumb problems, many of which I put myself into. I’ll try to be better about it this year.
5. I won’t tell my friends about any new boys unless they last longer than one month
Let’s just save some time and a few dozen texts to ten different people about a boy who will ghost me after a week, yeah?
6. Similarly, I won’t get attached to or idealize any new boys unless they last longer than one month
Most f*ckboys drop like flies after week 3, so I really don’t understand why I idealize them before that point. You’d think after all this time I’d know better.
7. I’ll stop putting a f*ckboy’s needs and happiness before mine
One more time for the people in the back (AKA me because I’ll need to be reminded of this like every day). Like my mom, I often strive to make others’ lives easier and brighter even if it makes mine harder. Over the years, I’ve put immense effort into people who wouldn’t do the same for me. This year, that changes.
8. I’ll stop seeing f*ckboys
HAHAHA OK, I know this one is kind of unrealistic, but it’s the thought that counts, right?
Here's to potential success in keeping these promises this coming year! Odds I can keep them for longer than one month?