In honor of Prince, who passed away Thursday, April 20, 2016. Here are eight quotes that explain college and how one can find true happiness while having the best years of their life.
1. "Every day I feel is a blessing from God. And I consider it a new beginning. Yeah, everything is beautiful."
People will tell you that college is the best time of your life; believe them. Do not believe them because this is necessarily true, but because if one has the intention that every day is beautiful and worth waking up to, the day will be that much brighter for the soul.
2. "There's a dark side to everything."
Life is not easy, and just because you are in college does not mean you get an excusal from reality. There will be some weeks that are filled with tests, papers, and dread. You might be at a party and missing home, or in the snow wishing for sunshine. Just like everything else in the real world, some things in college are darker than they appear. Do not be afraid to embrace the bad as equally as the good.
3. "Anyway, all these computers and digital gadgets are no good. They just fill your head with numbers and that can't be good for you."
Days after weeks after months are filled with laptops and phones just trying to stay afloat in college. Do not let the technology rule your world. I promise you that the best memories in college are not made hiding behind your screens. They are made outside, in the world, with real people.
4. "Despite everything, no one can dictate who you are to other people."
Not everyone in life, especially in college, is going to like you. I know, this is a shock to some people, and I myself food it quite difficult to choke down when I started school. However, the fact of the matter is that people will form their own opinions whether or not you have caused them any harm or good. Some people will not like you, and no matter how hard you try, you might not be able to change that. So accept it, and realize that your school is filled with hundreds of people who will love you for who you are.
5. "Everyone has a rock bottom."
Even though it would be a beautiful fantasy that someone could go through college gracefully, that is just not possible. We all fall, we all fail and we all cry somedays. Many times you will find yourself in a pit that you just cannot escape. Rock bottom might look like the end, but it truthfully just the end of the beginning. The only way to go from the bottom is up.
6. "Too much freedom can lead to the soul's decay."
Parties, drinking and drugs seem to be the stigma that college life has taken on. However, many do not realize that the rules and the expectations of most institutions are what makes the college student, a college graduate. Next time you think that rebelling against the system you are working at and for, remember why you are there and how you are there so you can remember that sometimes the freedom of endless drinks is not as gratifying as the freedom of graduation.
7. "Each audience is different."
People change in college; you will change in college. As you are growing and changing and finding your way you will realize that there are millions of ideas and perspectives coming from all of your friends and classmates. Not everyone is always going to agree with you and vice versa, but this is a beautiful thing. People will teach you things that you could have never imagined and expand who you are as a human being. Diversity is a good thing, enjoy is while you can.
8. "You can always tell when the groove is working or not."
Trust your instincts when you begin college. Although your high school career was designed for you, college is no such thing. You are in charge of your decisions, your life, and your future; so you must follow your heart and your head. If you have been president of your class since sixth grade, but just cannot juggle it in college, then don't. No one has expectations of you beside the expectation that you create your own happiness. Sometimes you will follow the norms of your life, and sometimes your world will be turned upside down. Follow the groove of what works and does not in your life.